Our Stories

2024 Volunteer Awards: Leadership

Categories: Volunteer Stories


The Leadership Award is presented in recognition of exceptional leadership over a three-year period or more, leading to significant local achievements or highly successful events.

JoAnn Mort

Since becoming a trail adopter after shortly “finding” the trail in 2021 and officially joining the Chief Noonday Chapter, JoAnn has become an invaluable member. Not one to idly stand by, she quickly accepted the challenge of coordinating outreach efforts, including the Chapter’s participation in four parades and tabling a variety of festivals. In 2024, she accepted the role of Chapter President and started the year with aggressive goals. She participated in almost every event, from meetings to hikes to workdays. JoAnn has since stepped away from this position, as she and her husband are relocating to be closer to their daughter and grandchildren. Despite her physical absence, the improvements she made for this trail community will continue to be experienced for years to come.

Tom Walker

As stated by a fellow Hiawatha Shore-to-Shore Chapter member, “Tom is one of those Presidents that will do everything if you let him.” That includes scheduling and presiding over monthly Chapter meetings (and providing the pizza); leading hikes; covering the Treasurer position; and being an excellent liaison between NCTA staff, agency leaders, land managers, and Chapter volunteers. He is professional and knowledgeable when it comes to identifying and managing projects. He meets with stakeholders, estimates material requirements, arranges the order and delivery of said materials, and organizes the labor logistics. Tom is the primary hike coordinator, promoting the events far and wide, and was a critical part of the 2024 Celebration Committee. He wants nothing but the best for his fellow volunteers, the trail, and those using it. He has been and continues to be an exceptional leader.

Becky Zrimsek

As current Board Chair for the Superior Hiking Trail Association (SHTA), Becky has traversed pandemic planning, implementation of a strategic plan, executive director leadership transitions, and contentious project permitting. What she has tackled during these three years is not nearly as impressive as how she has handled it. She is a calm, thoughtful, and steady leader who builds bridges with everyone she meets. Becky has actually served on the SHTA Board of Directors since 2018, but her love for the trail started 30 years ago, as a hiker. Despite her busy professional life, she is generous with her time and expertise, and serves on multiple committees. As her Board Chair tenure comes to its end, Becky leaves a legacy of professionalism and positivity.

Learn more about how the you can honor NCTA volunteers for their service on and for the North Country National Scenic Trail, and submit a nomination at northcountrytrail.org/volunteer-awards.