
Spruce Pond Trail Maintenance – Finger Lakes Trail and Adirondack Mountain Club


June 1, 2024    
10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Event Type

Hike Leader: Harold Kyle,

Meeting Place: Spruce Pond (RSVP w/ leader for exact location details)

Hike Rating: Easy, 0.25 miles, 4 hours

It’s National Trails Day! Come celebrate the occasion with the Adirondack Mountain Club Onondaga Chapter and Finger Lakes Trail Conference by building a new reroute of the climb from Spruce Pond. The old trail is deeply rutted and too steep, so we are installing a short switchback to make the climb more gradual. No experience is necessary, and we’ll provide the tools. This area is steep and has uneven footing, so make sure to wear sturdy footwear. We’ll work until the mid-afternoon.