Your adventure starts here.
The North Country National Scenic Trail stretches across eight states. Find a hike near you.
It is always recommended you contact the host Chapter or Affiliate organization prior to attending an event to confirm details. This calendar is updated as often as possible but sudden changes to event details may not be reflected here.
Brush, Blaze & Build Trail Workday
Join the Allegheny National Forest Chapter for our second March trail work day! Our meeting time is 10am on Saturday, March 22 at the Willow [...]
Hike or Snowshoe
Join the Dakota Prairie Chapter for a winter hike! We will hike or snowshoe, depending on conditions, for approximately 5 miles. This will be a [...]
This listing occasionally includes events hosted by Affiliate organizations (not NCTA Chapters). If an Affiliate’s event is not listed here, please check their organization’s website for details or confirmation.