Chequamegon Chapter Workday
The NCTA Chequamegon Chapter’s July workday is on July 15. We will assemble at 9:00 a.m. at the Highway D trailhead on the east end of the Porcupine Lake Wilderness.
The focus of this workday is the trail section that starts (west to east) at the beaver dam and ends on Highway D. At the far end, near the beaver dam, volunteers will use MacLeod’s to remove maple saplings. Other volunteers will remove downed trees with silky saws, and one or two axes. We will also have volunteers lopping with pruning shears. If you can attend this workday, please RSVP to and indicate if you can bring a hand tool. This will allow me to refine the plan and make sure that the volunteers are properly equipped for the work. Thank you.
Everyone should bring work gloves, insect repellent, head net, water, a snack, and lunch. We may have lunch together at the trailhead.