
Work Day: Brush Clearing in Kalamazoo and southern Barry Counties


May 17, 2025    
9:30 am


Kellogg Forest Parking Lot
7060 N 42nd St, Augusta, Michigan, 49012

Event Type

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Help clear sections of trail that always have lots of encroaching vegetation with invasive species. Meet at the parking lot for Kellogg Experimental Forest on the west side of 42nd St. north of Augusta, MI.

The Chief Noonday Chapter will supply some tools, but please bring lopping shears, pruning shears, and/or pruning saws. Bring sturdy gloves, and wear long pants and long sleeves even if it’s warm. Mosquitoes may be out, so bring bug spray. Bring water and snacks. We will work until around lunchtime.

Optional Breakfast: We will meet at 8 AM at Dig In Café in Augusta.