Any current North Country National Scenic Trail closures or reroutes will be posted here.
Check this page before each hike, or contact the Chapter or Affiliate who maintains the Trail in the area you plan to hike. If you encounter an issue on the Trail, please report it using this form.
- Sheyenne National Grasslands. The U.S. Forest Service currently has a fire ban on the Sheyenne National Grasslands. Camp stoves that can be turned on/off are allowed but must be used in an area cleared of flammable vegetation. They have also banned the use of out-of-state firewood. Learn more at
alerts/dpg/alerts-notices. - Lonetree Wildlife Management Area. A grassland has been temporarily planted to soybeans to aid in prairie restoration. Hikers should walk around the west/north edge of the soybean field.
- Walcott. WBI Energy’s Wahpeton Expansion (natural gas pipeline) Project will parallel the North Country National Scenic Trail here (centered on MM440) and construction will start in mid July. The DPC Chapter, NCTA, and NPS have worked with the company to minimize impacts to the NCT. Be aware of increased construction traffic when using this section of the NCT.
- Lonetree Wildlife Management Area. Many of the Carsonite posts along the NCT within Lonetree WMA have fallen over but the NCT is fully mowed and hikeable. The route may differ slightly from what is shown on the NCTA’s maps.
- Lonetree Wildlife Management Area. The ND Game & Fish is using active cattle grazing along the NCNST as a land management tool and the rancher is employing electric fences. Some of these electric fences cross the NCNST and most have stretch clip gates. To pass through, simply unhook the clips from the fence post and walk them away from the post (you won’t get shocked), walk through, and then re-attach the posts. The Parking area on 19th St. NE has a fence across the entrance but NCNST parking is allowed.
- Sheyenne National Grassland. NCNST users should expect to encounter grazing sheep and their guard dogs in between May 1 and October 1. The sheep rotate throughout different pastures along the NCNST in between mile posts 10-31 (covered on maps ND-071 through ND-075). The sheep herders are instructed to keep the sheep away from the Trail as much as possible but it’s not always the case. Read the “Do’s and Don’ts” on the U.S. Forest Service sign (posted along the NCNST) about how to safely interact with the guard dogs. If folks are planning a hike on the NCNST and are concerned about specific areas, they can call the Sheyenne National Grassland office at (701) 683-4342 and ask what area the sheep are in at that specific time.
- McClusky Canal. There is a major trail detour in central North Dakota because of a slide repair project on the McClusky Canal on the McClusky Canal that will be going on for the next 3+ years. The NCNST section to be bypassed is covered on maps ND-009 and ND-010.
- Fergus Falls. The Campground in Delagoon Park is currently being reconstructed and the old NCT route is closed. Follow the temporary NCT detour route.
- Rochert. The NCT is currently flooded south of the Otter Tail River ford where it goes around a private land cornerpost. The water may be up to 12″ deep. Note: this flooded spot is between the white- blazed ford bypass trail and the river ford.
- Gulfint Trail. A new segment of the NCT was built in May that connects the Kekekabic Trail with the Border Route Trail directly across CR-12 (Gunflint Trail). The old Kekekabic Trail out to CR-12 is now a spur to the trailhead parking area.
- CR-17. The NCT is now complete from CR-17 west to Northwoods Trail but this is currently a dead-end segment. Hikers’ vehicles are not allowed on Northwoods Trail (a private road) and road shoulder parking is available on the east side of CR-17.
- Northeastern Minnesota has experienced severe flooding with impacts to major roads used to access the NCT, Superior Hiking Trail, Kekekabic Trail, and Border Route Trail. Consider the following resources to check conditions:
- Superior Hiking Trail – Bean and Bear Loop. The Bean and Bear Lakes Loop closure will begin May 15 and impacts 2.2 miles of the main SHT corridor. This project is designed to allow trail users to easily bypass the closed trail section using temporary reroutes. Find more info at
- Superior Hiking Trail – Split Rock River Loop. The eastern side of the Split Rock River Loop will close September 1 and impact 1.8 miles of the main SHT corridor. This project is designed to allow trail users to easily bypass the closed trail section using temporary reroutes. Find more info at
- Chippewa National Forest near Walker, MN. The Anoway Bridge is out as a Chippewa National Forest contractor is re-building it. Hikers should follow the posted detour.
- Lake Vermilion State Park. From MM412 in Lake Vermilion State Park, there are backcountry campsites (fee required) just off the NCT’s route on the Mesabi Trail. See
- Heart of the Lakes Trail. From MM72.5 to MM80.75, the NCT now follows the Heart of the Lakes paved multi-use trail which lies adjacent to the roads. This NCT segment is not yet signed.
For trail alerts along the Superior Hiking Trail, visit the Superior Hiking Trail Association’s Trail Conditions web page. For Trail alerts along the Border Route Trail, visit the Border Route Trail Association’s Trail Conditions web page.
- Tyler Forks River. The future North Country Trail route is now complete between Hwy 169 and Porcupine Hill but there is an un-bridged crossing (ford) of the Tyler Forks River. Despite the fact it is blue-blazed, this will not be the official route of the NCT until the WI-DNR completes a trail bridge (anticipated 2025). This river crossing may be dangerous depending upon water levels, which can fluctuate rapidly. Long-distance hikers should take the official route around the ford – especially during spring runoff or after significant summer storm events.
- A USGS employee who also hiked our trail shared this link, a handy way to check on water levels if you are in the NCTA Heritage Chapter and plan to cross the Tyler Forks River. He said a height of 4.4 feet here on the gauge roughly corresponded to just below waist-height water.
- MacQuarrie Wetlands Segment to Pattison State Park. The Nemadji River Bridge on County Highway W is closed due to washout. Detour north on W, east on County Highway C, and south on Dedham Road to regain the road walk toward Pattison State Park.
- Copper Falls State Park. Dogs are not allowed on the Doughboys Nature Trail portion of the NCNST within Copper Falls State Park. NCNST hikers with a dog should plan to take an alternative route. The park can be reached at (715) 274-5123.
- Emmet County – East of Wilderness State Park. Due to the replacement of the bridge over the Carp Lake River in Emmet County, a section of the NCT has been temporarily rerouted. When using this section of trail, please stay on this reroute as it includes permission from private landowners. Follow the temporary trail signage placed at this reroute. This project is expected to continue until mid-May.
- W.K. Kellogg Experimental Forest. There is active timber harvesting occurring at various locations within the Kellogg Forest. Be alert and follow the directions provided on-the-ground during this time.
- Tahquamenon Falls State Park-Lower Falls. Construction on a 180′ section of boardwalk will close a section of the NCT at the Lower Falls until spring of 2025. Seasonal freeze and thaw conditions have warped the section, leading to accessibility concerns and potential slip and trip hazards. Follow the reroute on an existing DNR trail during this time.
- Upper Falls – Tahquamenon Falls State Park. The 94 stairs leading to the brink of the Upper Falls are being replaced with a fully accessible 900′ long boardwalk. Follow the short reroute during construction, which is expected to last until August 1, 2025. All other Upper Falls viewing areas will remain open to visitors during construction, including the three viewing platforms situated above the falls.
- Manistee River Bridge. The 246’ pedestrian footbridge spanning the Manistee River on the Cadillac/Manistee Ranger District, connecting the NCT and Manistee River Trail will be closed in November and December 2024. The closure is necessary to maintain the bridge in good repair and ensure the safety of forest visitors. The six-week long closure will prevent hikers from being able to complete the 20-mile Manistee River trail/North Country trail loop. Out and back and point-to-point excursions will still be available on both the MRT and NCT trails. There is no option to reroute trail traffic, as completing the loop requires crossing the river. The bridge is located just downstream of Hodenpyl Dam, and the current and depth make crossing the river hazardous.
- Ontonagon County. Downstream from Victoria Dam. The West Branch Ontonagon River crossing will be impassable until June 15, 2025 due to water constantly being released during scheduled power station maintenance and then the annual spring dam water release. Hikers will need to use the 11 mile On-Road bypass to avoid the crossing.
Ontonagon County. The bridge over Bush Creek failed in 2021 and is closed by the Ottawa National Forest. Water at the broken bridge can be 4+ feet deep. A nearby route has been marked with blue ribbon as a possible option that utilizes the new beaver dam. Please use extreme caution when crossing the creek. Bridge construction is planned for 2025.
- Binning Road. The BT/NCT will be detoured near Binning Road for landslide repairs. Construction and road closure is anticipated to end April 2025. Be extremely cautious as the provided detour by the county follows roads with active local traffic.
- Malvern to Waynesburg. Please exercise caution on this stretch of Citrus Road road due to ongoing construction from utility improvements.
- Clermont County. The BT/NCT will be detoured near Round Bottom Road for a bridge replacement. Construction is anticipated to end May 2025. A detour route will be signed on the ground. Be extremely cautious using the suggested detour as the closure will have an impact on local vehicular traffic. a map can be found here.
- Downtown Delphos. Ongoing structural maintenance on Lock 23 results in a temporary trail closure starting at Third Street. Trail users should use the following directions and can expect the detoured trail to be blazed on the ground. Heading North into the city – turn west on 3rd St. to Canal St, turn north onto Canal St, turn east onto 5th St. to meet back with Canal and the trail.
- Magnolia. The one mile segment of off-road NCT between OH E 8.7 to OH E 9.7 west of Magnolia, OH has been closed by the landowner. Hikers should follow the road walk blazes on Imperial Rd. NW and Magnolia Rd. NW to bypass this section until the issue has been resolved.
For other trail alerts along the Buckeye Trail, visit the Buckeye Trail Association’s Trail Alerts web page.
- PA State Game Land 063. The road walk segment along Bryners Mill Rd will be undergoing repair and hikers are encouraged to proceed with caution due to heavy machinery operation. Utilizing a detour is advisable by the land manager and construction will be signed on the ground. Suggested detour – Heading west towards SGL 63 exit NCT at intersection of Route 66 and head north ~1.3 miles. Turn left at Pine Terrace Rd and follow for ~ 1.2 miles until you intersect with the NCT.
- PA Gameland 072. A portion of the trail through Gamelands 072 is currently impassable. A temporary reroute is as follows: Eastbound – turn left onto Kiser Wagner Rd. Follow for ~0.75 miles to Whisner Rd. Intersect with Route 66, turn right and find Breniman Rd/NCT.
- Allegheny National Forest, Cherry Run. The ANF will be performing periodic construction along a segment of the NCT (roughly 500 feet) just north of the Cherry Run Shelter about 1/4 mile.The area is currently passable and open to users. However, we encourage hikers to use caution due to potential machinery in the area.
- Allegheny National Forest, Tracy Ridge. The NCT traverses both Johnnycake and Tracy Run. Currently there are no structures in place at these crossings. Crossing may be dangerous due to changing water levels, especially during winter temperatures, spring runoff or after a significant storm event. All users should exercise extreme caution in this area. Approaching Tracy Run from the north, the only detour is doubleback on the NCT and exit the system. From the south, hikers can doubleback to the Tracy Ridge trail connector and exit the system or return on the NCT. Due to the remoteness of this area, checking maps ahead of time for route planning is advised.
- Shippenville. The NCT goes through PA SGL 63 where it traverses Deer Creek and there are no structures for passage. This crossing may be dangerous due to the changing water levels, especially during spring runoff or after significant storm events. All users should exercise extreme caution in this area. Detour as follows: From West – Take Bryners Mill Road North to Rt. 322 to Rt. 66 South back to the NCT. From East – Take Rt. 66 North to Rt. 322 East to traffic light in Shippenville. School St. turns into Bryners Mill Rd, take south to NCT.
- Watkins Glen State Park. The park is replacing the Sentry Bridge. Starting in January 2025, the NCT/FLT will be detoured for the duration of the project (estimated completion July 2026). The temporary route north crosses the gorge at the suspension bridge, follows the North Rim trail between that location and the entrance to the park where it will re-connect with the existing trail. Detour will be marked in the field and can be viewed on this map.
- Stone Dam Trail. Due to the bridge being out over Little Woodhull Creek on the Stone Dam Trail, the NCNST has been rerouted from Stone Dam Trail. Now continue to follow North Lake Rd to Little Woodhull Trail to Sand Lake Trail to Bear Lake Trail.
- Adirondack Park, North Branch Trout Brook. Challenging ford over Trout Brook. Choose footing carefully and plan for a wet crossing.
- Adirondack Park, Crane Pond Trail. The trail is flooded in this area. An alternative route is available to the north.
- Durhamville. The Oneida Creek bridge on State Route 46 has been completely removed. A 5+ mile detour is marked at ST 31 and ST 46 on the north end as well as at Canal St. and ST 316 at the south end.
- Crown Point. The Crown Point State Historic Site is currently undergoing a Unit Management Plan update. The proposed NCNST route which traverses the old fort ramparts has been submitted for approval in this process. Until then, use Grandview Drive as the NCNST route.
- Adirondack Park. Navigating the mostly undeveloped route of the NCNST in the Adirondack Park will require special planning preparations. You can find more information on our Adirondack page.
For trail alerts along the Finger Lakes Trail, visit the Finger Lakes Trail Conference’s Trail Conditions web page.
- Green Mountain National Forest, Oak Ridge Trail. The Oak Ridge Trail from the Route 125 side has a significant culvert washout about ½ mile from the parking lot. More information can be found on the Green Mountain National Forest website.
- Green Mountain National Forest, Oak Ridge Trail. The Oak Ridge Trail from the Route 125 side has a significant culvert washout about ½ mile from the parking lot. More information can be found on the Green Mountain National Forest website.
For trail alerts along the Trail Around Middlebury (TAM), visit the Middlebury Area Land Trust’s “Trails” web page.
For trail alerts within the Green Mountain National Forest, visit the Green Mountain Club’s Trail Updates web page.