
Urban Hike Through Grand Rapids


August 17, 2025    
4:00 pm


Grand Rapids East School
1195 NE 10th St, Grand Rapids, Minnesota, 55744

Event Type

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Join the Arrowhead Chapter on a hike!

Meet at Grand Rapids East School parking lot at 4pm.

For additional information about this event, please text Arrowhead Chapter member, Amanda, at 218-244-8066 or

We anticipate this hike to last 2-3 hours. Please bring water and a snack, wear appropriate footwear (snowshoes for ample snowfall), dress appropriately for the weather, and bring bug spray or sunscreen if needed. For late afternoon hikes, bring a headlamp as we may be hiking in the dark!

Carpooling may be available; coordinate with Amanda.

In the event of inclement weather, this event will be cancelled.

Check out our page for additional information.