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Join us for National Trails Day!
It’s the nation’s largest celebration of trails!
Join us June 3, 2017 as we celebrate National Trails Day with the American Hiking Society. We’ll have events across our 7 states. Join up with a local chapter, affiliate, or partner for a hike, trail town celebration, or work day. Check back often as we’ll be adding events. You can find all events near you by searching the American Hiking Society event page here.
Events along the North Country Trail
(all events are Saturday, June 3, unless noted otherwise)
New York:

Event: Wildflower Hike (easy)
Host: Central New York Chapter of the NCTA
Location: Parking lot at south end of Cazenovia Lake on Rte. 20 just east of NY 92. We will carpool to nearby Nelson Swamp Unique Area, since parking there is limited.
RSVP: Mary Dineen, 315-424-1284
Start: 1:15 pm
Distance: 2 miles
Description: Join us for a Wildflower Hike. Will the trout lilies, spring beauties, and trillium still be out? On a previous Wildflower Hike, we identified 57 flowers and other plants! (Short hike, probably a couple of miles; NSU Area does qualify for the Hike 100 Miles on the North Country Trail Challenge)
Event: Darlington Days National Trails Day Hike on the North Country Trail
Host: Wampum Chapter North Country Trail Association
Location: Kathy’s Country Kitchen Restaurant, 3403 Old Darlington Rd.
Darlington, PA 16115
RSVP: wam@northcountrytrail.org
Start: 12:00 pm
Distance: 3 miles
Description: Hike the North Country National Scenic Trail with the Wampum Chapter of the NCTA on Saturday, June 3rd as part of our participation in the Darlington Days celebration. We’re meeting at the south end of the Trail Town of Darlington, near the North Fork of Little Beaver Creek at Kathy’s Country Kitchen, and at 7:00 AM we’ll shuttle hikers out to the Louthan Rd. trail head for a three mile hike back into town. Upon arrival those who’d like to can jump into the Darlington Days annual parade and march with the chapter.
This hike is rated easy in difficulty with a few climbs and descents along the way and a relatively even footpath. Hikers should dress for the weather, wear appropriate footwear, bring drinking water, and also a snack if desired for along the way.
NCTA volunteers will be spending all day Saturday and Sunday at Darlington Days manning the information table to talk to attendees about the North Country Trail and carving hiking sticks with the kids. All are welcome to drop by and visit, or to stay and help us spread the word about this 4,600 mile national scenic hiking trail that travels through Beaver and Lawrence counties of Pennsylvania.
Maps of the hike can be found here on the Wampum Chapter websitehttps://northcountrytrail.org/wam/?page_id=598
Date: June 3-4, 2017
Event: Shawnee Section – the Buckeye Trail Association Ballinger Property
Host: Buckeye Trail Association
Description: We will be mowing and pruning at the Ballinger property (trail maintenance too). We will leave for work at 8:00am and quit at 3:00pm. Learn more here.
Camping: At the Ballinger property. Tent camping only. Camping GPS coordinates 38.81119, -83.26958
Meals: Bring your own food and water.
Mapping: See the location for this event in Google Maps
Date: June 2-4, 2017
Event: National Trails Day Weekend Encampment
Host: Buckeye Trail Association
Location: BTA Barn 83949 Beall Road, Deersville, OH
Description: Join fellow Buckeye Trail hikers for the Second Annual National Trails Day Weekend Encampment at the BTA Barn near Deersville, Ohio. At our past encampments, we’ve had hikes, geocaching, games for kids and great food. It also looks like we might have kayaks available courtesy of the MWCD. George Markusic is coming and he has a great geocache program that should be on Saturday afternoon at 1:00 or 2:00 P.M. We’re planning a potluck dinner on Saturday evening but otherwise plan on bringing your own food. Learn more here.

Event: National Trails Day Celebration Hike
Host: Grand Traverse Hiking Club Chapter of the NCTA
Location: Baxter Bridge State Forest Campground, No 29 1/2 Rd, Manton, MI
RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/GTHikers/
Start: 9:00 AM
Distance: 2.5 miles
Description: The Grand Traverse Hiking Club will be celebrating National Trails Day on Saturday, June 3 from 9AM-1:30PM at Baxter Bridge State Forest Campground on the Manistee River.There will be 2 hikes at 9AM on the North Country Trail. A 5 mile hike from the Campground to the 29 1/2 Rd (Baxter Bridge) trailhead, then up to High Banks Rollway & back, or take a shuttle to High Banks Rollway, and hike 2.5 miles back to Baxter Bridge. From noon until 1:30PM, we will enjoy a Potluck Picnic… at Baxter Bridge SF Campground. You will need to bring your dish to share, table service, beverage & a camp chair. GTHC will provide grilled hot dogs & condiments
Event: Hike from Rumely Road to Laughing Whitefish Falls
Host: North Country Trail Hikers Chapter of the NCTA
Location: 1830 Altamont, Marquette, MI
RSVP: nct@northcountrytrail.org
Start: 12:00 PM
Distance: 5.0 miles
Description: We will carpool from Marquette to Rumely Rd where we will hike on the North Country National Scenic Trail past Pipe Falls and another unnamed falls on our way through the woods to the Laughing Whitefish River. There are many steps leading down to the river from high above where we will have hiked in. We will then cross the Laughing Whitefish River bridge and ascend up numerous steps where we will then turn off the North Country Trail and take the spur trail to the Laughing Whitefish Falls, passing by two additional unnamed waterfalls. We will view the Laughing Whitefish Falls, with some taking the steps to the bottom, before we head back to the parking lot to drive back to Marquette. Note there are many steps and a couple of steep grades in this hike so come prepared with walking sticks. Cameras, water, bug dope, etc. are highly recommended. You will be logging about 2.2 miles towards your NCTA 2017 Hike 100 Challenge.

Event: Petoskey Trail Town Celebration
Host: Jordan Valley 45 Chapter of the NCTA
Location: Pennsylvania Park, Petoskey, MI 49770
RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/120471688527655/
Start: 9:00 am
Distance: 2 and 4 mile hikes, entertainment, lunch and more!
Description: Join us in celebrating National Trails Day and attend the 5th Annual Petoskey Trail Town Celebration!
There will be morning NCT hikes, music, lunch, presentations, kids activities, prizes, and a raffle! We hope to see you there!
9:00 First Hike shuttle leaves for McDougal/Greenwood (4 mile hike)
10:15 Second Hike shuttle leaves for Riverbend Park (2 mile hike)
11:45 Entertainment starts “Folk stomp sounds of Lee Dyer”
12:00 Lunch/Entertainment
12:30 Presentations, prize and raffle drawings
1:30 Activities/Entertainment
Date: June 3-4
Event: National Trails Day Celebration and Work Day
Host: Hiawatha Shore-to-Shore Chapter of the NCTA
Location: Bark Dock Day Use Parking, Curley Lewis Highway, Whitefish Bay
RSVP: hss@northcountrytrail.org or 989-350-2826 by 9:00 AM Wednesday, May 31st to obtain a complimentary camping site for those working the volunteer work session. Two or three nights will be available.
Start: June 3, 10:00 am Hike the Whitefish Bay National Scenic Byway. June 3 after lunch work session, and June 4 work session continues 10 am – 5 pm. Come anytime.
Distance: June 3, 2-6 miles.
Description: Saturday–June 3rd–Hike the Whitefish Bay National Scenic Byway–10:00 AM, Bring Water and Insect Repellent. Pack your camera and grab a friend or two for a stroll along the Lake Superior Shoreline! Hike lengths from 2 to 6 miles. Hiking will occur on Section K of our trail map #2: http://
Lunch after the hike–at Silver Creek Pub, with optional volunteer work session to follow in the afternoon and continuing on Sunday. View the event on Facebook here for complete details or contact Kay using the RSVP information above.
Date: SUNDAY June 4
Event: Chief Noonday Chapter National Trails Day Hike: Kellogg Bird Sanctuary, Augusta to Battle Creek
Host: Chief Noonday Chapter of the NCTA
RSVP: cnd@northcountrytrail.org
Distance: 6 or 12 miles
Description: A “2-in -1” hike. Long and Short hike start at the same time and same place. Long hike about 12 miles and short hike about 6 miles. Surface: natural.
12:45 p.m. a shuttle will pick up hikers for the long and short hike and transport them to the hike start location.
• 11:00 AM Optional lunch at 2 locations: Dig In Café, 111 W Michigan Ave or Players Bar & Grill, 506 E Michigan Ave, Augusta MI
• 12:45 PM Long hike parking: Dickman Rd/M-96 at Brady Rd, Battle Creek, MI
• 12:45 PM Short hike parking: Augusta Dr Trailhead, 704 E Augusta Dr, Augusta MI
Event: Construction of Approach to Bigelow Creek Bridge
Host: Western Michigan Chapter of the NCTA
Location: Newaygo County, southeast of Grant, MI near 120th Ave and Pear Ave. Contact Larry below for details
RSVP: Larry Meyer at lkmeyer@zoho.com
Time: 9 am – 4 pm
Description: The Western Michigan Chapter is hosting a trail workday in Newaygo County just southeast of Grant, MI near 120th Ave and Pear Ave. We will be rerouting a section of trail through a piece of beautiful private property. Trail work involving the use of hand tools. Workday is 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Contact Larry Meyer at lkmeyer@zoho.com for meet up information.
Event: National Trails Day History Hike on the NCT
Host: Old Victoria Restoration
Location: 25401 Victoria Dam Rd, Rockland, MI
RSVP: lswebber@mtu.edu
Start: 1:00 pm
Distance: 2.6 miles
Description: Hike the North Country National Scenic Trail into copper mining history with guides from Old Victoria! This 2.6 mile hike will take place over rough, uneven terrain; closed-toed, appropriate shoes are recommended. Bring water and a snack to enjoy atop Lookout Mountain with a view to match its name. Learn more or RSVP on our Facebook event page.
Event: Trails Day Event to Combat Invasive Species
Time: 10 am
Host: Spirit of the Woods Chapter of the NCTA with North Country CISMA (part of the Michigan Invasive Species Coalition)
Location: Manistee National Forest Sulak Campground West of Baldwin, MI. South of M-10 near Branch, MI map here.
RSVP: spw@northcountrytrail.org
Description: We will be joining with the North Country CISMA (a part of the Michigan Invasive Species Coalition) to host a learning/working day to learn to identify and find several types of invasive species in the Manistee National Forest and on the North Country Trail.Our meeting point will be at Sulak Campground West of Baldwin MI. This is south of M 10 near Branch, MI. More info and a map can be found on our website atnorthcountrytrail.org/spw
Event: Explore the North Country Trail in Northwest Wisconsin
Host: Brule-St. Croix Chapter of the NCTA
Location: Palmer’s Landing trailhead, 10613 South County Road A, Solon Springs, Wisconsin 54873
RSVP: bsc@northcountrytrail.org, www.meetup.com/sscbhikers
Start: 9:00 am
Distance: 4 miles
Description: 9 AM – meet at Palmer’s Landing trailhead to hike the Brule-St. Croix Portage segment of the North Country National Scenic Trail (2 miles). This segment is the oldest trail in the upper Midwest. 10:30 AM – dedication of a new boardwalk at the north end of the Portage Trail, on the Bois Brule River. The boardwalk is dedicated to the memory of Chuck Zosel, longtime superintendent of the Brule River State Forest and volunteer with the North Country Trail Association. Chuck worked for many years to restore the Portage Trail and incorporate it in the North Country National Scenic Trail. After the dedication, hike back (2 miles) to the trailhead for a potluck picnic at noon. 1:00 PM – hike the Brule Bog Boardwalk segment of the North Country National Scenic Trail (5 miles, out-and-back). See spring bog flora in the Brule Glacial Spillway State Natural Area.
Event: Heritage Chapter National Trails Day Hike – Gold Mine to Wren Falls: Iron WI
Host: Heritage Chapter of the NCTA
Location: Casey Sag Road Trailhead, From Hurley WI: Take HWY 77 west beyond Upson 3 miles to Casey Sag Road, turn right (North) go 2.75 Miles to trailhead.
RSVP: sally65bones@gmail.com
Start: 9:00 am
Distance: 3.5 miles
Description: The trail travels through mature woods with many highlights including an old Gold Mine. The mine, known as the Maxim Mine, was operated in the early 1900s by Civil War Veteran Zenas Maxim and his son Captain Frank Maxim. Hikers will also visit the new Gold Mine West Campsite, a backpacking campsite created by the Heritage Chapter in 2015. Continuing west from the campsite, the trail passes a scenic overlook and a large beaver dam before reaching the beautiful Wren Falls on the Tyler Forks River.
Directions: From Hurley WI: Take HWY 77 west beyond Upson 3 miles to Casey Sag Road, turn right (North) go 2.75 Miles to trailhead. Hike will be 3.5 miles. Shuttle at Wren Falls. See Gold Mine, overlook of Penokees and Wren Falls. RSVP: sally65bones@gmail.com to plan shuttle.
Event: National Trails Day – Trail Building
Host: Chequamegon Chapter of the NCTA
Location: Rainbow Lake Wilderness, meet at Reynard Lake Rd where the NCT Crosses. See map here.
RSVP: che.northcountryscenictrail@gmail.com
Start: 8:30 am
Distance: Trail Building Project
Description: Join us as we complete the Rainbow Lake Wilderness Re-route! Chapter Volunteers have finished all of the tasks necessary for completing the re-route (4 days of trail building already!). All we have left to complete is some tread building on the longer re-route. When we finish on June 3rd, we will have a celebration at a local watering hole! The re-route is most likely the most ambitious project for the Chapter this year and I will be doing a “Rainbow Lake Wilderness Re-route All Stars” in the next newsletter (like I did for the Mellen Boardwalk building last year). It’s not to late to be a part of this major Chapter accomplishment! I can’t think of a more significant way of celebrating National Trails Day then by completing the Rainbow Lake Wilderness Re-routes. We will meet at 8:30 a.m. at Reynard Lake Road where the NCT crosses. See PDF map here.
Event: National Trails Day “Itasca to Hubbel Pond Series” Hike #5
Host: Laurentian Lakes Chapter of the NCTA
Location: Elbow Lake Rd. Trailhead, Ponsford, MN 56575
RSVP: llc@northcountrytrail.org, https://www.meetup.com/HikeNCTinMN/
Start: 9:00 am
Distance: 4.8 miles
Description: Join the Laurentian Lakes Chapter of the North Country Trail Association as they hike 4.8 miles from the MN Hwy 113 Trailhead to the Elbow Lake Rd. trailhead along the Laurentian Divide. Map of this section: http://arcg.is/2esDPOK. Meet at Elbow Lake Rd. Trailhead at 9:00 am. Map: https://goo.gl/maps/8W4vkgTChM62. Shuttles will be provided to the hike starting point. Chapter meeting to follow at Ice Cracking Lodge (http://icecrackinglodge.com/the-lodge/)
Event: North Country Trail Grand Opening Celebration
Host: Minnesota Waters & Prairie Chapter of the NCTA
Location: Prairie Wetlands Learning Center, 602 Minnesota 210, Fergus Falls, MN 56537
RSVP: mdavis@northcountrytrail.org, facebook.com/groups/565210860298649/
Start: 1:00 pm
Distance: 2 miles
Description: Join the Minnesota Waters & Prairie Chapter as they gather to officially open the 9.8-mile NCT loop within the City of Fergus Falls. This event will feature a formal grand opening program (e.g. remarks by local trail partners, a ribbon cutting ceremony, and ceremonial Trail Town sign installation) followed by a variety of guided hikes on the NCT. This will include shorter, family-friendly hikes and longer challenging hikes. There will also be refreshments and information on local hiking and volunteer opportunities inside the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center.

Event: Superior Hiking Trail Association Hikes
Host: Superior Hiking Trail Association
Location: Castle Danger Trailhead Parking Lot, Castle Danger MN
RSVP: http://shta.org/contact-us/
Start: 10:00 am
Distance: 9.1 miles or 2.4 miles
Description: Enjoy treats before we start hiking to celebrate the day! Both hikes meet at Castle Danger Trailhead Parking Lot. At Hwy 61 mile 36.6, turn left on Lake Co Rd 106/Silver Creek Township Rd 617 and go 2.4 mi. to trailhead parking lot on right.
Long Hike: Gooseberry Falls State Park to Castle Danger, 9.1 miles – Hike along the scenic Gooseberry River for four mi., then enjoy views from Mike’s Rock and Wolf Rock.
Short Hike: Castle Danger Trailhead to Crow Creek Valley Campsite and Back, 2.4 miles total – Take in sweeping lake views from Wolf Rock, continue through pine woods to inland view at optional Crow Valley Overlook Spur Trail. Return via same route.
North Dakota
Event: National Trails Day at Fort Ransom State Park
Host: Sheyenne River Valley Chapter of the NCTA
Location: Fort Ransom State Park, 5981 Walt Hjelle Pkwy, Fort Ransom, ND 58033
RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/Red-River-Valley-Outdoors/events/237524395/
Start: 9:00 am
Description: National Trails Day! Meet at the Rosebud Visitor Center at 9am to carpool to Fort Ransom State Park. A Ranger-led hike will begin at 10am. Pack a lunch for noon meal. At 1:30pm we will canoe the Sheyenne River. There will be park entrance and canoe rental fees. Dinner to be provided by the chapter at 5pm followed by an evening campfire.
Event: National Trails Day Hike in Sheyenne National Grassland
Host: Dakota Prairie Chapter of the NCTA
Location: Sheyenne National Grassland
RSVP: rgruch@aol.com
Distance: 8.6 miles
Start: Jorgan’s Hollow Campground 10 am. (see directions below)
Description: We will meet at Jorgan’s Hollow Campground at 10:00 A.M., and hike west to FR 1212. This is a point to point hike, consequently we’ll be shuttling hikers back to your vehicles. The trail meanders around stands of bur oaks and rolling hills of tall grass prairie. This is a very beautiful section of the grasslands.