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Join us for National Trails Day June 4
On Saturday, June 4, 2016 show your support for the North Country National Scenic Trail by celebrating with us and the American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day®, the country’s largest celebration of trails.
People are celebrating by joining group hikes, Trail Town celebrations, trail maintenance projects, picnics and potlucks, canoeing, camping, and even a parade! Many will include opportunities to learn about our chapters and affiliates that maintain the nation’s longest National Scenic Trail. Join these local events, celebrate National Trails Day, while also getting in miles for your Hike 100 Challenge!
Events are being held across the country, but here are the ones featured along the North Country National Scenic Trail:
New York
Group Hike & Picnic Lunch: The Foothills Trail Club will be hosting a group hike in the Erie County Forest on the Conservation Trail branch of the Finger Lakes Trail system. A picnic lunch will follow. Details here.
Group Hike:The Wampum Chapter will be hosting a group hike starting at the Louthan Road trailhead, via shuttle, and afterward the group is welcome to march in the annual Darlington Days parade. The chapter will also have an information booth and hiking stick carving rigs. Details here.
Work Weekend: The Allegheny National Forest Chapter will hold a trail work weekend with camping at the Amsler Spring Shelter. Meet Saturday, June 4 at 10AM at the Amsler Spring Shelter on Salmon Creek Road. (N 41⁰28.17’ W 079⁰11.99’) Participants will be working on the southern half of the North Country Trail in the ANF to prepare it for the A-100 Hiking Challenge. At the end of the work session we’ll return to the Amsler Spring Shelter for the night. We’ll head out again to finish up the mowing and clearing work on Sunday, June 5 at 10 AM. Come for one or both days or join us overnight! We’ll have all the tools and materials needed. Just bring work gloves, food and drinks. Also bring camping gear and food if you plan to stay overnight. Contact anf@northcountrytrail.org for more info.

BTA Blitz: The Buckeye Trail Association is attempting to maintain the whole 1,400+ mile section in one day! Anything from group hikes to trail maintenance projects will be going on all day. You will need to register your event or contact them for information on how to take part. Details here.
Group Hike: The Great Trail and Sandy Beaver Canal Chapter is hosting a group hike in Beaver Creek State Park. There will be a short break with refreshments provided during the hike. Details here.

Group Hike & Presentation: The Chief Noonday Chapter and the Village of Middleville are hosting two events. A short hike and a long hike option will both start at the Stagecoach Park gazebo followed by a presentation “Learning about Hiking 101” at the Sesquicentennial Park Pavilion with a light lunch. Details here.
Work Day: The West Michigan Chapter will continue work on the reroute of the NCNST at through beautiful Seidman Park in Kent County. They will start promptly at 9 a.m., meeting at the picnic shelter at the southern parking lot at Seidman Park off Conservation Street in Kent County. Tools provided. Directions from downtown Grand Rapids: http://tinyurl.com/zgjwf8h Bring your lunch and plenty of water. Wear a comfortable pair of work gloves (we have extras to loan) and sturdy boots. We will be working with heavy, sharp tools that get swung around one’s feet, so sneakers are generally inadequate. Wear clothes that can get good and grubby. Please contact Mark Bryson to receive the meet up information for the day at bryson@newhollandbrew.com or any time by calling (616) 379-1145.x
Group Hike & Potluck: The Spirit of the Woods Chapter is hosting a group hike starting at the Udell Hills trailhead followed by a finger-food potluck. Details here.
Group Hike & Potluck: The Grand Traverse Hiking Club will host a group hike and potluck at Scheck’s Place State Forest Campground. Details here.
Trail Town Celebration: The Jordan Valley 45° Chapter and Harbor Springs Chapter are hosting the 4th annual Petoskey Trail Town Celebration. Events range from group hikes, a picnic, guest speakers, musical entertainment, raffles/contests, kids activities, and outdoor-oriented displays. Details here.
Group Hike & Trail Maintenance: The Hiawatha Shore to Shore Chapter has two events to participate in. A group hike will be lead along the Lake Superior shoreline and Duck Lake Fire area. The second project is clearing, building, maintaining, and benching a challenging hill on the trail. Details here.
Group Hike & Picnic: The NCT Hikers Chapter is hosting a group hike starting at the Tourist Park Trailhead. Details here.
Guided Group Hike: The Peter Wolfe Chapter is hosting a guided hike from Old Victoria West to Lookout Mountain, exploring the ruins of the Old Victoria Copper Mine along the way. Guides will share their experience and knowledge and passion about the copper mining history and terrain along the hike. Details here.

Group Hike: The Heritage Chapter will host a group hike from Casey Sag Road to Wren Falls. Details here.
Group Hikes & Potluck: The Brule St. Croix Chapter is hosting a morning group hike on the Brule Bog Boardwalk, a picnic, and an afternoon hike crossing the Brule-St. Croix Portage. Details here.
Group Hikes & Trail Maintenance: The Superior Hiking Trail Association is hosting two group hikes starting at the Finland Recreation Center. Details for the maintenance project will be posted later this Spring on their website. Details here.
Group Hike: The Laurentian Lakes and Itasca Moraine Chapters are hosting a group hike into Itasca State Park. Details here.
North Dakota
Group Hike, Dinner & Campfire: Join the Sheyenne River Valley Chapter and Fort Ransom State Park for their annual multi-sport event. There will be a ranger-led hike, canoeing, dinner and an evening campfire (Park entrance and canoe rental fees apply). Details here.
Across the 7 States
Light up the Trail with National Parks on the Air: Ham radio operators are going to activate the entire trail over the June 4-5 weekend. That is, all seven states will be active during those days. Details here.