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New Trail Construction in Lowell, Michigan

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Trail development is once again alive and well in Kent County, Michigan, the home of the NCTA national office. While a wide range of strategies to get the route of the trail off road are underway, the first few new miles built in the past ten years have completed and are ready for certification and walking.

The south section, completed May 15, is a collaborative partnership between the NCTA, the City of Lowell, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Environment (DNRE), and a private landowner. The new 1.2 mile section of trail departs existing trail in the Lowell State Game Area as it heads south crossing through a mixed hardwood forest. The trail exists State lands onto a corner of a private parcel where dramatic views of the Flat River come into focus. The trail then descends a rather step river bluff onto the “boy scout cabin” property owned by the City of Lowell. The final stretch passes through an aging pine plantation before exiting onto north Washington Ave.

The north section adds 0.9 miles north of McPhearson Road in Fallasburg Park on property owned by the Kent County Parks Department. Building this stretch involved rehabilitating and old section of nature trail believed to be developed when CCC work crews were in the area during the last depression. The trail winds in a quiet clove along a small stream before gaining a modest hill. It then follows the west bank of the Flat River with scenic views and exceptionally large hickory, oak and cottonwood trees. The final ascent up toe Fallasburg Road involves passage through an interesting pile of cobbles deposited by the glaciers. This section was begun in the fall of 2009 and was completed in April and involved many days of building sidehill bench through heavy clay soils.

Keep your eyes on Kent County. More trail development is in the works!

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