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News for Chapter, Affiliate and Partner Leaders

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It’s been a busy summer. Here are some items that have been topics of discussion lately so I thought I’d share with everyone. Let me know if you have questions, comments or thoughts on additional topics you’d like to see me cover in the future. This monthly email is not only meant to share ideas from the offices of NCTA and NPS, but it’s also a way to share best practices between chapters and affiliates or to get input on issues facing you out in the field. We are a large community and there is so much we can learn from each other so please ask lots of questions and share your stories with us. I’m also going to start posting these monthly emails to our blog so please feel free to pass the link on to anyone that is interested.

Partnering with Youth Corps

One of the biggest concerns I hear from those of you working in the field is that you need more young, strong bodies to do the heavy lifting out on the trail. Whether it’s to bench new side hill trail or carry lumber for a large boardwalk project, sometimes you need a little extra help. All across the trail, our chapters and partners have had great success working with youth corps of all different types. These groups vary in how they are organized, what they cost, and how much time they are willing to give, but all of them have the opportunity to provide the young energy you might be looking for a those bigger projects the chapter just can’t tackle alone. If you are interested in working with one of these crews, check out some of the options and let us know. We are happy to work with you to find the resources needed to make it happen. Here are a few good examples:

  • Americorp NCCC (see attached)
  • Student Conservation Association (see attached)
  • Wisconsin Youth Corp http://wiscorps.org/HireaCrew.html
  • Great Lakes Conservation Corp (see attached)
  • Conservation Corp of Minnesota and Iowa http://www.conservationcorps.org/

Check out this story from Minnesota to learn more about the experience they had with AmeriCorp.

Timber Management and the NCT

Much of the trail goes through working landscapes, areas that are managed for multiple purposes like timber, wildlife, agriculture, etc. One of the most common practices, and most noticeable, is timber management. Although it’s easy to wish they simply stay away from the NCT, it’s not realistic. It’s important that we understand the processes of the agency so we can make sure the NCT is provided for. With better communication and partnership, the land manager can try their best to let you know what to expect, keep you updated on timber sales and guide the timber companies to care for the trail. Here are a few tips:

  • Be aware of your National Forest as well as State, County and private forest planning processes. If they offer an avenue for public input, make sure you let them know that the NCT is an important resource they should be providing for in the process. The key is finding out when and how in the process you can become involved.
  • Share NCTA’s Timber Harvesting Policy with the land managers and offer to work with them to keep the NCT open, safe and scenic during and after the scheduled harvest.
  • Take pictures before and after if possible. Land managers usually have a window of time after the cut to make timber companies comply with the terms of their contract. If their contract called for them to remove the slash from the trail and they didn’t, tell the forester.

When to use Paint and Plastic blazes

2×6-inch blue paint blazes are the standard marker for the North Country National Scenic Trail but the National Park Service also offers plastic nail up blazes to be used in certain situations.

In general, paint blazes are preferred for many reasons. They are inexpensive, blend with the natural surroundings and although they may require more upkeep, their lasting impact on the landscape is less.  The plastic alternatives were originally offered for two reasons: 1) We had a few land managers at the time that preferred them, and 2) for stands of young Aspen because they grow too fast and don’t hold the paint well. I’ve heard many arguments for plastic: it looks sharper, require less upkeep and are less messy. But over the years, we’ve seen how these plastic blazes deteriorate, fade, crack and become trash on the forest floor. They are more expensive, tend to become targets for vandals and they add an artificial element to a natural setting.

I know how much each of you has on your plate when it comes to managing a section of the NCT. It’s not an easy task and it’s understandable that you might gravitate toward plastic because of the ease and to keep from getting paint on everything you own. I’m not suggesting there is never a use for plastic; simply that we consider the impact and long term viability of placing thousands of plastic rectangles in the woods. Temporary routes or road walks or in stands of trees where paint blazes won’t take might be good places for plastic. In other cases, please consider all of the above when making the decision for the best marking on the trail.

If you haven’t already, check out Bill Menke’s guide to blazing.

North Country National Scenic Trail Day – coming soon!

September 27, 2014 will be our first annual North Country National Scenic Trail (NCNST) Day!  The objective is to raise the profile and awareness of the NCNST as a trail of national significance and a valuable recreational resource to local communities. We also hope the event will support membership recruitment and renewal, local partnerships and your marketing efforts of the local trail as part of the National Scenic Trail system. We hope to have events across the trail all on the same day, all celebrating the NCNST! You will find the guide to planning and hosting an NCNST Day event and many event ideas in our online Volunteer Resources Center.

NCT legislative update: Arrowhead, Vermont and Unit Status

HR. 4736 and S. 2595, the North Country National Scenic Trail Route Adjustment Act of 2014, are of great concern to the NCTA. If enacted this legislation would officially add the Arrowhead Trails of NE MN (Superior, Border Route and Kekekabic Hiking Trails) to the NCNST, as well as extend the eastern terminus into Vermont. For more see here: https://northcountrytrail.org/get-involved/advocacy/. HR. 4736 was introduced by Rep. Nolan (MN-08) with the bipartisan support of 9 other House members. S. 2595 was introduced by Senator Klobuchar (MN), supported by 7 other Senators.

Currently in their respective committees, both bills await being scheduled for a hearing, which we’re told may occur after the August recess. We are working on

(1) Gathering the endorsements and support of partner organizations

(2) Urging the committee chairs to schedule the bills for a hearing

(3) Getting additional support from Members of Congress not already signed on.

We’re being told not to get our hopes up–Nothing’s changed in a Congress that seems determined to prevent as much legislation from being passed as it can. But we’ll keep trying.

S. 2293, the National Scenic Trails Parity Act of 2014, remedies an inequity in how the National Park Service administers its 6 National Scenic Trails. The Appalachian, Potomac Heritage and Natchez Trace hold “unit status,” and the North Country, Ice Age and New England do not. Among other things this inequity results in fewer opportunities, less funding and less recognition. Sponsored by Senator Baldwin and 3 others, S. 2293 did receive a hearing on July 23. NCTA is submitting formal testimony in support.

How can you help? NCTA’s Advocacy committee is actively seeking members across all of our states. We are still seeking state chairs for Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio as well as representatives for each Congressional District. See the attached position description and contact us if you are interested.

Membership retention and recruitment (R & R) strategies:

The North Country Trail Hikers from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan holds drawings for free memberships at local events. Participants fill out a slip of paper with blanks for name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. They draw five names to win introductory memberships for which the chapter paid the $23 each. After it’s over, they also add all of the emails they collected to their chapter e-mail list. These people now receive the e-newsletter and messages about chapter events in hopes that they will join. This is a great way to get new people engaged.

Please remember to follow up on past due members. Gentle reminders and encouragement to rejoin our NCTA family goes a long way.  If you are not receiving monthly past due report or new member information contact Tarin, thasper@northcountrytrail.org.  For more ideas and reference material check our Volunteer Resources Center on the NCTA website.