Our Stories
North Country National Scenic Trail Day – September 26
Join us September 26 for North Country National Scenic Trail Day! It’s a day set aside to celebrate this great Trail that spans 7 states and over 4,600 miles. Whether you get out and hike on your own, with your family and friends, or join one of our events, it’s sure to be a day of enjoying nature and having new adventures. Share your adventures on social media using #NCNSTDay
Here’s a listing of events that you can participate in for the day. Check back often as we’ll be updating this list:
North Dakota:
- Location: Lake Ashtabula, Rosebud Visitor Center, 250 West Main Street, Valley City, ND
- Time: Meet at 9 a.m. to carpool.
- Contact: Becky Heise
- Location: Event headquarters: Ekre Grassland Preserve; Richland County southwest of Kindred. To minimize transportation times and distances, segment hikers west of the Ekre Preserve will walk west to east, and segment hikers east of the Ekre Preserve will walk east to west.
- Distance: Hike routes will be predetermined segments, both off-road trail and on-road routes, varying in length from 2 to 10 miles. Each trail segment will be hiked by at least one team composed of 1 or more people. To the extent possible, teams will be given their choice of segments.
- Time: Starting times of each segment hike will be set so hikers finish and return to the event headquarters by about 3:00 p.m. or sooner. Hikers should register at the Ekre Preserve prior to their hike. Transportation to and from hikes will be arranged so teams can share cars and simplify shuttles.
- Contact: Tom Moberg for more information.
Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge’s Visitors Center/Discovery Center: Join the Laurentian Lakes Chapter for a trail building day. The Chapter will work on a spur trail with a loop off of it leading to the North Country Trail to the Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge’s Visitors Center/Discovery Center.
- Location: Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center, 35704 County Hwy 26, Rochert, MN 56578
- Time: Meet at 9 a.m. at the Visitor Center
- For more information: contact Matthew Davis
Milton Lake esker in the Chippewa National Forest: Join the Arrowhead Chapter for a guided hike on the Milton Lake esker by Remer. This short out and back hike follows this beautiful geologic feature where you can see old growth pines and views of wetlands below.
- Location: the hike is located in the Chippewa National Forest north of Remer, GPS: 47.134515, -93.934350
- Time: Meet at 10 a.m. at the Remer Depot (49 W. Main Street, Remer, MN)
- For more information: contact Katie Blau.

The Rose Cliff Loop of the Border Route Trail: Join the Border Route Trail Association for a 13 mile day hike on the Rose Cliff Loop. The challenging trail sections of the Caribou Rock, Border Route, South Lake and Moss Lake trails will reward you with multiple scenic overlooks, stands of old growth timber, and Stairway Falls. Wear long sleeves, long pants and hiking boots. Bring a bag lunch plus 2 liters of water or 1 liter and a filter.
- Location: Start and End at the Trailhead on Hungry Jack Rd off the Gunflint trail (CR 12). (48°03’41.5″N, 90°27’20.0″W / 48.061518, -90.455562) http://www.borderroutetrail.
org/maps.html - Time: Meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Caribou Rock Trailhead Parking area on Hungry Jack Rd.
- For more information: contact Bob Westphal, gocbears@comcast.net
Lake Owen, Drummond, WI: Join the Chequamegon Chapter as they celebrate the life of their long-time, dedicated member, Bob Norlin who passed away on August 30. The Chequamegon Chapter of the NCTA is therefore having a “Celebration of Life Picnic” to honor Bob Norlin’s memory at the Drummond Lake Park in Drummond, WI on Sunday, September 27 from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. We will share our many photos and stories about Bob. We will celebrate NCNST Day at the same event.
Upper Peninsula:
Marquette: Join the NCT Hikers chapter for “Celebrate Walking in Marquette”
- Time: Sept. 26 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- Location: Start at Lower Harbor Mattson Park and walk along Lake Superior on the fully accessible Trail. Walk as far north our south as you wish, turn around and return. The chapter will have a booth set up, and you can sign up to win free t-shirts and learn more about the NCNST and the walk to end Alzheimer’s.
- For more information contact nct@countrycountrytrail.org
Tahquamenon Falls State Park: Join the Superior Shoreline chapter for “Hike Tween Da Falls.” The 5-mile River Trail parallels the Tahquamenon River between the Upper and Lower Falls, traversing through old-growth forest, giant cedars and hemlocks, and beautiful wildflowers. Closed-toe shoes, water and snacks are recommended. Leashed dogs are welcome on the shuttle and the hiking trails
- Time: Between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. for “Hike Tween Da Falls.”
- Location: Hikers park their vehicle at the Lower Falls and take a free shuttle to the trail head at the Upper Falls. Shuttle begins at 9:00 am and runs every thirty minutes. The last shuttle departs the Lower Falls at 1:00 pm.
- For more information contact Kay here.
Lower Peninsula:
- Time: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.https://northcountrytrail.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=11131&action=edit&message=10
- Location: 1010 Grand River Drive NE Ada, MI
- Contact Chuck Vannette here.
- Get more information about the festival here.
- Time: Sept 25 6-9 p.m. Sept 26 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
- Location: 620 E. Wilcox White Cloud, MI.
- For a complete listing of events, click here.
- For information or to register for the Independent Bank Blue Blaze Run click here.
- For information or to register for the White River Kayak Race click here.
- Time & Location: Breakfast at 8:00 a.m. at the Big Easy at 126 E. Main Street, Middleville. Hike will begin at 9:00 AM. F
- For more information contact Larry Pio at Larry Pio here.
Irons, MI: Join the Spirit of the Woods Chapter at 10 AM for a hike on the North Country Trail near the Sauble River.
- Time: 10 a.m.
- Location: Meet at Sweetfern Café 7595 W 5 Mile Rd, Irons, MI 49644. (Please park around the back of the store).
- Distance: The hike will be approximately 5 miles long and we will hike over the Vince Smith Bridge. The Forest Service is exploring the idea of constructing a suspension bridge at this site.
- For more information: Contact Loren Bach at 231-510-1983 or email Loren here. Maps available at northcountrytrail.org/spw or https://goo.gl/maps/JhhsV Spirit of the Woods Chapter will also host an October hike the following weekend. Please join them on Saturday, October 3 at 10 am for a hike at Bowman Lake trails near Baldwin. The hike will be about 6 miles round trip. Meet at the Bowman Lake trailhead west of Baldwin on 55th Street. Contact Joan for more information.
- Event: Group Hike
- Time: Meet at 2 p.m.
- Location: Landslide Overlook parking lot, from US-131 drive 1 mile west on Alba Rd. then turn Right on Harvey Rd., unpaved (you will see a sign for Landslide Overlook) Drive to end. (map) A shuttle will return drivers to that point.
- Distance: 3.5 miles Hike in Jordan Valley from Landslide Overlook to Pinney Bridge (3.5 miles) We will plant our sixth distance sign/register box at the 45th parallel. Be one of the first to sign the new register log!
- For more information contact Duane Lawton.
- Event: Potluck Dinner. Bring a (small) dish to pass—starch, veg, salad. Entree and beverage and dessert will be provided
- Time: 6:00 pm
- Location: Boyne Valley Fire Hall in Boyne Falls
- Event: Chapter Meeting. Report on the NCTA Rendezvous just completed in New York along with recent hike reports and a special treat: Jim DuFresne, noted wilderness guidebook author, speaking on “Exploring Isle Royale National Park”. Note: This meeting was previously announced in the Newsletter as Sept. 19.
- Time: 7:00 pm
- Location: Boyne Valley Fire Hall in Boyne Falls.
New York:
Allegany State Park: Join the FLT (Finger Lakes Trail) for a 10.4 mile hike “Hiking with a new State in Mind.” How often do you cross a state line on a hike? If you answered…never…well here is your chance to do so! We’ll hike through Allegany State Park in New York State with a “new State in Mind” to the NY/PA state line marked with a picturesque trail marker made for plenty of photo opportunities. We’ll then sign the trail register at the border and proceed into Pennsylvania on our way back to our cars at PA 346. Come out and join us for a fun and scenic hike without the headaches of a passport, dodging border patrols and declaring your water bottle at the border.
- FLTC Map: M1
- Meeting time: 8:30 am
- Meeting Place: Map M1, Access 1, PA 346, Pennsylvania.
- Directions: Make your way to Rt. 86, exit 18, west of Salamanca, NY. Take Rt. 280 south to PA 346. As you approach Quaker Lake which is the only body of water on your left, Rt. 280 makes a sharp turn to the right. Make the right hand turn to conti nue on Rt. 280 and this road will change to PA 346 at the state line. The parking lot at Map 1, Access 1 is about 2-3 miles on the left hand side.
This hike has several short, but steep climbs of 300 feet so please bring plenty of water and good hiking boots. - For more information contact Mike Schlicht.
BockHarvey Forest Preserve, Three Preserve Hike: The FLT (Finger Lakes Trail) will hike on three nature preserves in the Town of Enfield, Tompkins County. The three preserves carry parts of the Finger Lakes Trail/North Country National Scenic Trail and are protected by the Finger Lakes Trail Conference and the Finger Lakes Land Trust. This event will be offered with options for 3 or 6 miles in length.
- FLTC Map: M16
- Meeting time: 10 a.m.
- Meeting place: Bock-Harvey Forest Preserve, 150 Rockwell Road trailhead, Enfield, NY (click for map).
- Distance: This event will be offered with options for 3 or 7 miles in length.
- The 3-mile hike will start at the Rockwell Rd. trailhead and hike the Bock-Harvey Loop, the FLT in the preserve including a visit to the Locust Lean-to, and Riemen Woods. It will return to the start point on a short road walk on Rockwell Rd.
- The 6-mile hike will Be the same but will proceed upon exiting Riemen Woods on a half mile roadwalk to the Stevenson Preserve including the spur to the Stevenson Vista. It will then return to the start point via Porter Hill Rd and Rockwell Rd.
- For more information contact Roger Hopkins.
- Distance: 7 miles on the level and slight downgrade.
- Meeting place and time: Locals can meet at Erwin Park on NY Rt 12 in the Village of Boonville at 10 a.m., from where we’ll spot cars at the other end and then get started. For folks coming from further south 9 (or east or west) we’ll be meeting at the Canastota interchange (34) on the NYS Thruway at 9 a.m. and convoy up to Boonville.
- Contact: Jack Miller, Jack Miller.
- Map: ADK Central Guide pp 124-6, Delorme 37
- Distance: 5-7 miles
- Meeting time: 8:30 am. Please contact Mary Coffin for meeting place
- FLTC Map: O2
- Distance: 5.3 miles.
- Meeting Location and Time: 9am from Syracuse area, please contact Mary Niemi
- Directions to Meeting Location: Contact Mary Niemi. Trail head is south of New Woodstock and Route 80 in Madison County.
Moxham Mountain, Vanderwhacker Wild Forest: Moxham Mountain in the Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest near Minerva, NY is part of the planned route for the NCNST in the Adirondack Region of New York. To celebrate NCNST Day the Adirondack Mountain Club- Schenectady Chapter will hike this trail to enjoy the wonderful vistas along the ridge. At the present time this is not a thru hike so we will enjoy our lunches prior to returning to our cars. You will need to bring lunch and snacks plus appropriate clothing including rain gear in your pack. We will climb approximately 1000 ft. The hike is 5.4 miles round trip.
- Meeting time: Further details on the meeting place and time will be posted soon.
- For more information contact Mary Macdonald.
Stone Quarry Hill Art Park, Cazenovia, NY: Join the Stone Quarry Hill Art Park for a hike along the Link Trail. Meet at the Cazenovia Farmers’ Market at 2:15 (Albany Street in the village of Cazenovia) and hike the Link Trail up to the Art Park and back. This will be about a 1.5 hour hike that is fairly uphill with a return hike of around 1 hour that is downhill. Please wear appropriate footwear and bring water. Transportation back to the village will be provided for anyone unable to hike back. This event is weather-dependent. Please check their Facebook page for updates.
- Location: Link Trail in the Village of Cazenovia to Stone Quarry Hill Art Park (map)
- Time: Meet at 2:15 PM at the Art Park’s booth at the Cazenovia Farmers’ Market
- Contact: Emily Zaengle