Our Stories


Hikers’ Challenge 165 set to begin in northcentral MN

The Laurentian Lakes and Itasca Moraine Chapters are co-sponsoring a new hiking challenge event this year….the Hikers’ Challenge 165.  The challenge is to hike as much of you can of the NCT between State Hwy 34 (east of Detroit Lakes) and State Hwy 6 (northeast of Remer) – the trail section featured in the Guide to […]

Hike the Hill 2015 – It’s a Wrap!

Wrapped up Hill visits Thursday afternoon and got a late flight back to Michigan. Good to be home! In spite of what some folks think who live there, Washington DC is not the center of the universe… However, it is the seat of our federal government and if we hope affect federal policy change—as we must do […]