Our Stories


2014 NCTA Hike the Hill Blog Post # 1 from ED Bruce Matthews

I’m on my way to Washington, DC—composing this first blog on the plane. As with previous Hike the Hill efforts I’ll be representing NCTA at Partnership for the National Trails System and American Hiking Society events, attending meetings with agency representatives (National Park Service, US Forest Service) and most importantly making Capitol Hill visits with […]

Extending the NCT into Vermont is one step closer to reality!

From a 1/9/14 National Park Service press release North Country National Scenic Trail Feasibility Study for Extension to the Appalachian Trail in Vermont Completed The National Park Service has completed the Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment to extend the North Country National Scenic Trail approximately 40 miles through Addison County, Vermont to connect with the […]

NCTA Conference Future Survey

What is the future of NCTA Conference? The NCTA Board wants to use your valuable Association resources in the most efficient manner. Our Annual Conference can be an opportunity to: · Gather and meet other Trail heroes, · Gain inspiration and enthusiasm by hiking the Trail in different areas · Share methods, share successes, · […]