Our Stories


NCTA tries Crowd-Funding

NCTA has launched a project using Kickstarter, a crowd-funding internet platform that opens up infinite possibilities to create awareness and raise funds. This project is to create a music video that recognizes and honors NCTA’s hard-working trail building and maintaining volunteers. To check it out, go here: NCTA Kickstarter Project . We’re hoping our friends will share […]

Summer 2014 NCT Extended Outing Planned

NCTA 2014 EXTENDED OUTING: Hike NCNST Onondaga Trail and Finger Lakes Trail in New York July 13-19, 2014 $610 Day hiking on the North Country National Scenic Trail in the beautiful Finger Lakes Region of Central New York. Each day hike a 6 to 10 mile section of the NCNST with day pack, using vans […]

Our Red Plaid Nation — What’s It All About?

Simply, the “Red Plaid Nation” is a branding term for our North Country Trail community—the people who build, use, maintain and find adventure on the trail, and tell its story. Our story. In marketing terms, a brand is a promise, communicating the value and desirability of belonging to and identifying with the North Country Trail community. At NCTA our branding tools include the […]