Our Stories


NCTA Conference Future Survey

What is the future of NCTA Conference? The NCTA Board wants to use your valuable Association resources in the most efficient manner. Our Annual Conference can be an opportunity to: · Gather and meet other Trail heroes, · Gain inspiration and enthusiasm by hiking the Trail in different areas · Share methods, share successes, · […]

NCTA tries Crowd-Funding

NCTA has launched a project using Kickstarter, a crowd-funding internet platform that opens up infinite possibilities to create awareness and raise funds. This project is to create a music video that recognizes and honors NCTA’s hard-working trail building and maintaining volunteers. To check it out, go here: NCTA Kickstarter Project . We’re hoping our friends will share […]

Summer 2014 NCT Extended Outing Planned

NCTA 2014 EXTENDED OUTING: Hike NCNST Onondaga Trail and Finger Lakes Trail in New York July 13-19, 2014 $610 Day hiking on the North Country National Scenic Trail in the beautiful Finger Lakes Region of Central New York. Each day hike a 6 to 10 mile section of the NCNST with day pack, using vans […]