By Alison Myers Have you ever encountered a bear, or evidence of a bear while out on the North Country Trail? Did you know that black bears reside in every state the NCT traverses? As humans it is our responsibility to respect wildlife and the places they roam and live. Because they are able to […]
Our Stories
Fall Hiking Guide
Cooler temps, low humidity, brightly colored hillsides, migrating birds, no more bugs….ahhhh, we’re in the glorious Fall hiking season again! by Matt Davis, Regional Trail Coordinator for Minnesota and North Dakota Mid to late September is the start of the most glorious time of the year in the North Country. No, it’s not because it’s […]
An Unexpected Adventure: Couple hikes entire North Country Trail
In one month, Dan and Ruth Dorrough will complete their end-to-end section hike of the North Country Trail. It’s an incredible journey that spans 17 years, 7 states, and over 4,600 miles. The Dorroughs will complete their hike while at the NCTA’s Celebration in Fargo on Saturday, September 17. The Dorroughs will make a special presentation Saturday evening, […]