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Allegheny National Forest Chapter Sled Riding Party at Chapman State Park
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Considering all the snow we’ve had in Pennsylvania since the start of 2010, last Saturday was the perfect timing for the Allegheny National Forest Chapter’s annual sled riding party! Around 17 people, including members from all four PA chapters, traveled to Chapman State Park in Clarendon, PA for the party. The blustery conditions that made for poor driving conditions also guaranteed that the sled riding hill would be in the best form for winter fun!

Sled riding and cross-country skiing were speckled with trips to the warming hut, which enticed visitors with its toasty fire, hot chocolate, and cornucopia of dishes. From hot dogs, beans, and soup, to pumpkin spice bread, apple streusel, even ice cream sandwiches- Both NCTA members and new friends converged on the warming hut for good food and good conversation. A fun-filled day was had by all!
This year has brought plenty of snow trail-wide, and it has to melt away to Spring sooner or later (right?), so make the most of it! Get out and have fun in the snow it while it lasts!