Our Stories
Border Route Trail Association planning a busy 2010

To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the completion of the Border Route Trail, the Border Route Trail Association is planning a full slate of 2010 activities, including:
- Fun events on / near the BRT starting with a potential February 6-7 snowshoe / XC ski trip to Heston’s Resort on Gunflint Lake. Contact Ed Solstad esolstad@pressenter.com for more information on this trip.
- A 2010 Wilderness Maintenance Initiative – According to Ed Solstad…
“This will be our most ambitious project since the construction of the trail in the 1970’s. With your help as a volunteer on one of our trail crews or through your tax deductible financial donation to the BRTA, we can get it done. Your donation of time or funding will help the BRTA to achieve the Initiative’s goal of bringing the entire 37 miles of the BWCA Wilderness section of the BRT up to good wilderness trail hiking standards. The USFS will be assisting by sending two Minnesota Conservation Corps crews to tackle what is perhaps the section most in need of maintenance — the 7 miles from the South Lake Trail east to the Rose/Rove Portage. It is up to the BRTA volunteer crews to take care of the remaining 30 miles.”
- Look at their website in early 2010 for details on trail clearing trips & other volunteer opportunities (clearing trips are typically held in the spring and fall but some summer clearing trips may be held too).
- You may also join their
Yahoo Group, which features updates and trip announcements for the Border Route Trail, by sending an e-mail to BRTrail-subscribe@yahoogroups.com or join their Meetup group to keep up with their activities.
Help the BRTA keep this amazing resource available for the coming years. The BRTA thanks you for your continued valuable support. See you on the trail!