Our Stories

Outdoor Retailer: Supporter Spotlight

  Outdoor Retailer (OR) is the largest trade show serving the outdoor industry community of retailers, designer and manufacturers, but this event also serves as a place for stakeholders, like the North Country Trail Association, to be represented in the important conversations facing the outdoor community.  by Andrea Ketchmark, NCTA Executive Director The NCTA has […]

NCTA Says Goodbye to the Schoolhouse

  The founding of the North Country Trail Association can be traced back to a group of visionary volunteers sitting around a kitchen table in a historic schoolhouse in White Cloud, Michigan. by Andrea Ketchmark, NCTA Executive Director For close to 40 years, the Birch Grove Schoolhouse has served the North Country Trail community in […]

Sarah Collier: Volunteer Spotlight

  “Stay curious and educate yourself on how you can make a difference on the Trail,” offered Sarah. “Do not doubt your ability to help.” Sarah Collier will spend 2020 as President Trainee of the Western Michigan Chapter and officially become Chapter President in January 2021. An avid outdoorswoman with a desire to make a […]