Waterbar Workshop in Western Pennsylvania Water is ubiquitous across the North Country Trail. These eight trail states host thousands of rivers, creeks, ponds, and lakes. Hilly, stream-filled Western Pennsylvania is no exception. Thus, water management is a critical component of trail maintenance. Heavy rains carve up the soil, exposing roots, rocks, and other hazards. Flooding […]
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Category: Trail Maintenance
Superior Partnership
The Superior National Forest is a 3.9-million-acre mix of boreal forest and water, located in the tip of Minnesota’s Arrowhead Region. It dates back to a proclamation by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1909 and is administered by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) from five ranger district offices and a supervisors’ office in Duluth. About […]
Identifying NCT Route in Minnesota’s “Big Gap Area”
The NCTA has partnered with the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission (ARDC) planning organization to help identify NCT route possibilities in two parts of the Arrowhead reroute’s “Big Gap Area.” One of the areas the NCTA Arrowhead Chapter will start with is located north of the existing NCT by CR-61. It contains many iron mining […]