Butler County Chapter: July Chapter Meeting with Special Guest Speakers
Our NCT Butler County Chapter Monthly Meeting with special guest speakers North Country Trail Regional Trail Coordinator of PA and OH Lauren Kennedy-Little and North Country Trail Volunteer Program Manager Nicole Loiseau with the National Park Service (NPS). Also attending will be Valerie Bader, North Country Trail Director of Trail Operations.
Join us for a pizza and snacks potluck! Bring your favorite pizza or snack to the meeting to share. Paper products and drinks will be provided.
Topics of Interest:
*North Country National Scenic Trail (NCT) Volunteer Program Manager Nic Loiseau with the National Park Service (NPS) will explain how the NCT is connected to the NPS, and will show how easily you can sign up to become a NPS Volunteer-In-Parks (VIP) with the NCT, the benefits of becoming a VIP, why it’s so important to track your service hours, and how to log your hours online.
*Regional Trail Coordinator for Pennsylvania and Ohio Lauren Kennedy-Little will give an overview of the NCT, speak about trail management support, chapter relations, general training and resources.
*Director of Trail Operations Valerie Bader will be available to answer any questions you may have.
Our monthly chapter meeting is held at the Butler YMCA: 339 North Washington St. Butler, PA. (Trustees meeting room) We will be planning upcoming events and trail work.
***Due to limited space, early registration is recommended. To register for this meeting email us at include the date of the meeting you would like to attend, your name, phone number, and email address.