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NCTA and NPS Request Handbook Revision Proposals

The National Park Service (NPS) and the North Country Trail Association (NCTA) are seeking proposals for the revision and update of the North Country National Scenic Trail Handbook for Trail Design, Construction and Maintenance.
The original handbook was published in 1996. Since then, significant advancements including new legislation, new references, and an increased demand for a digital product prompt an update. The revision and update requires trail-wide applicability regarding trail layout, and standards for construction, structures, and signs. It must also be adaptable to a variety of platforms, both as hard copy and accessible as a digital resource.
Please follow this link to view the full Request for Proposal (PDF). The proposal review team will include but not be limited to NCTA staff and representatives from NPS. The NCTA will evaluate proposals and select a contractor. Proposals are to be submitted to NCTA Director of Trail Development Valerie Bader at vbader@northcountrytrail.org no later than June 22, 2018. A final selection is expected to be made no later than June 29, 2018.