Our Stories
Hike the Hill Update from Washington, DC

By Bruce Matthews, NCTA Executive Director
7:54am ET
We’re in Washington this week for the annual Hike the Hill, a gathering of the National Trails System representatives visiting Members of Congress as well as leaders in the federal agencies (National Park Service, Forest Service) that administer the trails.
Andrea Ketchmark (NCTA’s Director of Trail Development) and myself are here, with Hill visits planned to many of the 43 Congress-persons and 14 Senators representing the states and Congressional Districts through which the NCTA passes. NCTA’s advocacy committee members are contacting the local offices of these Members as well. Our legislative agenda is simple–the necessity of maintaining the level of appropriations in the federal budget for the NCNST; getting the MN Arrowhead Re-Route introduced, supporting full/increased funding for the Land And Water Conservation Fund, and keeping the transportation enhancements (which includes rails-to-trails) in the omnibus transportation bill. Our federal agencies’ focus has to do with consistent management commitments throughout all 10 national forests, including establishing protected corridors for the trail and unit status with the NPS among other things.
We’ll keep you posted on our progress. I’m off to see Senator Klobuchar first off this morning. Andrea’s headed for the Forest Service HQ. Hopefully we can get the Senate version of the Arrowhead Re-route introduced real soon!
Check for more updates throughout the week.