Our Stories
Itasca Moraine Chapter completes their trail section

Congratulations go to the Itasca Moraine Chapter for completing their trail section (from the Chippewa National Forest’s west boundary and Itasca State Park) last week! Last Thursday, they completed the last part of the 6.9 mile section between Hubbard Co. 4 and Spider Lake Trail.
According to Jerry Trout…
“I am happy, to say the least, to report that the North Country Trail is now completed between the Chippewa National Forest and Itasca State Park. This was accomplished with a flourish of activity the week of November 15th. We had a MCC crew from Park Rapids that week plus the “regulars.” Bruce Johnson brought five additional people to work on the 19th.
The project was finished at 3:20 PM, Thursday, November 19th. We drove the symbolic golden spike four and six tenths miles east of Itasca State Park. Ray Vlasak and his Bad Medicine folks started the trail east from Itasca before they were diverted to the Laurentian Lakes Chapter. The Itasca Moraine Chapter built west from the Chip until Ray left and then we worked both ways.
November 19th was the culmination of the effort that began in earnest September 13, 2001. John Leinen brought up a crew on that date from the metro area and the Itasca Moraine Chapter was formed the next spring. The Federal Recreation Trail Program, Minnesota Conservation Corps, National Park Service, Hubbard County, NCTA, MN DNR can all share in this moment but the true champions in this effort are the following people:
Arlen Damlo, Carter Hedeen, Bruce Johnson, Darrin Miller, Darrel Rodekuhr, Harvey Tjader, Jerry Trout and Ray Vlasak
This was an effort spanning eight years that overflowed with work, fun, vision, and passion.
Those pictured, front row left to right are Florence Hedeen, Darrel Rodekuhr, Bruce Johnson, Carter Hedeen; back row, left to right are Lauren Vilen, MCC Field Assistant,Bemidji crew, Mike Sharkey, Byron Knapp, Jerry Trout, Chuck Johnson, Joe Anderson, MCC Park Rapids and Matt Case, MCC, Park Rapids crew.”
There is still work to be done on their section, including the construction of a boardwalk near the Schoolcraft River south of Lake George, adding backcountry campsites, and adding side/loop trails.
Thanks especially go to ITM stalwarts Jerry Trout, Carter Hedeen, Bruce Johnson, and Darrel Rodekuhr for their tireless efforts and to the Minnesota Conservation Corps crews for their invaluable assistance.