Our Stories

Amy Elvey: NCNST Long Distance Hiker

Categories: Hiking Stories

Amy Elvey

Central patch + Michigan, Mackinac Bridge, and 1000 Miles

Back in late 2020, when most of us were itching to get outside and do something new, I started hiking the NCT with a friend. I was enjoying seeing new places, especially on trails through the woods. I set a goal to complete the Hike 100 Challenge that year and thought maybe I’d do that again in 2021. 

In early 2021 I met up with a group of ladies who were hiking from Fallasburg Park to Seidman Park. I live right in that area, and thought it would be good to stretch the length of what I’d been hiking, so I showed up and met about a dozen amazing women. As we were hiking I learned that they were all hiking the entire lower peninsula of Michigan. To be honest, when I first heard this, I thought they were nuts. About five hours later, I was hooked. I determined then and there that I also wanted to accomplish this goal (and months later, I determined I’d do the whole state). 

I went on a few more hikes with these ladies, but then medical issues took me off-trail for about a year. By the time I was able to hike again, most had completed their goal. So I set out to find new groups of women to share the trail with me, and found even more incredible, like-minded women who were into nature, education, and physical challenges.

I have absolutely relished seeing all kinds of things that I didn’t know existed. I’ve also loved learning about geography, fauna, flora, history and culture throughout our state. I’ve truly enjoyed pushing myself to add more miles and get out there in conditions from which I would normally shy away. Getting outside in nature so often has improved my mental and physical health. Though I’ve participated in many sports over the years, hiking is the one that has truly impacted my body in the most positive way. 

My favorite hikes are the ones where I hear or smell bears and moose, climb really tough terrain and ford rivers that are a bit of a challenge. In addition to the friendships I’ve gained, I also have encountered plenty of peace while hiking a great deal of the trail alone. My husband often says that I have a bigger smile in the pictures when I’m hiking. The trail is definitely my happy place.  

Learn more about long distance hiker recognition at explorenct.info/NoCoLo/index.htm.