Our Stories
Terri Lindberg: NCNST Long Distance Hiker
Terri Lindberg
Delton, Mich.
Central patch + 1,000 Miles

Although I lived close to the Trail in Lowell and have hiked Lowell, Rockford, and Yankee Springs numerous times, I didn’t start tracking mileage until 2019. I decided to start tracking mileage because I retired and contemplated hiking Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. I read an article about a gentleman that did that years ago and always thought it might be a fun thing to do when I retired. However, I was conflicted because I really wanted to live in the moment and not have any goals in retirement. I had enough objectives when I was working. So, I decided to just explore it bit by bit near my new cottage.
Initially, I mostly hiked solo. But I learned about group hikes on Facebook and attended a few of those. That led to meeting lots of people and more group hikes. At the end of 2019, I realized I had hiked half of the Lower Peninsula! So I decided to finish the Lower Peninsula in 2020. As it turned out, it was about the only thing I could do in 2020 after Covid made an appearance. After reaching that goal, I decided I would take it easy and just go on a few group hikes every year.
Well, in March I tend to get cabin fever, so a group of us starting hiking Ohio from the Michigan border. Then I joined the Softie hiking group and started exploring the Upper Peninsula. As time went on, I started getting more invitations to other group hikes in the Upper Peninsula, and by the end of 2022 I realized I had 66% of the Upper Peninsula done, along with 1,000 unique North Country Trail miles. Maybe hiking all of Michigan is on the horizon?
All I can say is this state is so unique and incredibly beautiful! I’ve hiked a lot of places, but it’s amazing to discover this extraordinary gem we have in our own backyard. This journey has taken me to so many new areas that I didn’t know about in a state I have lived in all of my life. I have also met a lot of wonderful people from all over the state and beyond. So, although I didn’t want goals in my retirement, I am finding I really enjoy living in the moment while hiking. I’m looking forward to future adventures on the North Country Trail.
Learn more about long distance hiker recognition at explorenct.info/NoCoLo/index.htm.