Our Stories

Lorana Jinkerson: Volunteer Spotlight

Categories: Michigan, News, Volunteer Stories


Lorana Jinkerson is one of the most dedicated volunteers, leaders and donors the NCTA has ever seen.⁠

Consider a too-short list of her contributions: She has served⁠ on the NCTA Board, has chaired two committees that⁠ require a lot of work, and has done so with great attention to⁠ organization and gentle leadership (NCTA Awards, North⁠ Star Advisory), and even wrote a children’s book about the⁠ Trail. She then mailed the book, “Nettie Does the NCT,” to⁠ every local library near the Trail in each state, at her own⁠ expense!

Clearly, promoting the Trail is one her higher⁠ priorities. She goes out of her way to house, host, and feed⁠ long-distance hikers (or anyone visiting Marquette, including⁠ staff, and Chapter members and leaders from other states), and is the primary organizer for her Chapter, the North Country Trail Hikers. Lorana is pretty much beloved to many, many members.⁠

This year, Lorana became the first donor to reach a major⁠ milestone by giving more than $100,000 to the Association⁠ over her years of membership. This is truly remarkable⁠ support. Please join us in celebrating and thanking her!⁠

Who are you thankful for in your local Chapter, state or region? Nominate them for an NCTA Award! Learn more at northcountrytrail.org/volunteer/volunteer-awards