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Midwest Weekends features great article on the Superior Hiking Trail in Duluth
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Beth Gauper – a Minneapolis-based freelance travel writer – maintains the fabulous MidwestWeekends.com website which she bills as “An insider’s guide to travel in the Upper Midwest.”
On the site, she recently featured a fabulous story called “Duluth’s Hiking Heaven” about hiking on the Superior Hiking Trail within the City of Duluth. In the article she wrote about the possibilities for using Duluth’s public transportation system (city bus & taxis) for the hike shuttle and even featured a trip report of NCTA & SHTA members/volunteers Tom & Jean Salwasser from an April hike series they did from Jay Cooke State Park to the Spirit Mountain Chalet.
Check out Beth’s article…and plan to come early and/or stay late when you come to Ashland, WI for the NCTA’s Annual Conference and do some hiking on the SHT within Duluth. You’ll be amazed that there is 40+ miles of top-notch hiking opportunities on the SHT in the Duluth area.