Our Stories
NCT Long-distance hikers making significant progress!
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Here’s a brief update on the progress of the two long-distance hikers currently out on the NCT (lady’s first):
- Bonita “Mother Goose” Curtner just (7/25) crossed into the U.P. of Michigan from Wisconsin on her 2009 trek from the western terminus to somewhere in lower Michigan. So far, she has hiked 84 days covering 1160 miles. She has survived the spring flooding in North Dakota, did some bushwhacking with the Itasca Moraine Chapter, tackled the overgrowth along the Kekekabic Trail, and really enjoyed her hike across northern Wisconsin. To learn more about her hike, visit her online journal. To read the latest journal entries click on Last in the upper left hand corner.
- M.J. “Nimblewill Nomad” Eberhart last reported (7/23) reaching the Fort Steuben Boy Scout Camp in east central Ohio. So far, he has hiked 124 days covering 3373 miles on his 2009 thru-hike of the NCT. Along the way he’s been attacked by old man winter in ND, survived the Kek in northeasternMN, and hobnobbed with a U.S. Senator on National Trails Day in MI. Nimblewill will be walking the NCT east all the way to Crown Point in NY and then backtracking to hike sections of trail he had to skip in MN & ND earlier this spring due to bad weather. His hike is a good illustration of the challenges of thru-hiking a trail as long as the NCT. To learn more about his hike, visit his online journal. To read the latest journal entries, scroll down to the bottom of the page. You should also check out his photo and video galleries.