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North Dakota events planned & statewide newsletter available

In an effort to share what’s happening with North Dakota members and to promote some upcoming events in North Dakota, we put together the Prairie Hiker (nd-newsletter-winter-2010, PDF – 1.1MB) – a statewide newsletter that will be mailed out this week to current & recently lapsed members living in North Dakota.
Inside the issue, you’ll find info on:
1. Lonetree & Dakota Prairie Grasslands Chapters’ Event Details
You’re invited to a couple of snowshoe hikes on the NCT to be hosted by the Lonetree and Dakota Prairie Grasslands Chapters. They will be held at the Sheyenne National Grassland near Kindred on Saturday, February 20th and at the Lonetree WMA near Harvey on Sunday, February 21st.
Shortly after the hikes, the chapters will host chapter meetings at which their futures will be discussed. The two chapters have been stagnant for years and don’t currently serve the NCTA well in moving the NCT forward in ND. In 2010, they will either be reorganized or dissolved depending on the outcomes of the meetings. The NCTA’s hope is that former and current members will attend with a friend, and share their thoughts on the future of the chapters.
- Dakota Prairie Grasslands Chapter snowshoe Hike—February 20th. We’ll be hiking/snowshoeing from the east trailhead out to Iron Springs Creek and back, a distance of about 7 miles (see the featured trail section #3 on next page) although people may go as far as they wish to. We will meet at the East Trailhead parking area at 1pm and we should return by 4pm. If you need snowshoes, please contact Matthew Davis as we will have some extras for members and friends to use (if needed). The chapter will also provide a variety of snacks and warm beverages.
- Dakota Prairie Grasslands Chapter meeting—We’ll be meeting on March 4th at the Atomic Coffee (222 Broadway) in Fargo beginning at 6:30pm and going until 8pm. Please RSVP to Matt Davis if you plan on attending the meeting or if you have any questions or input.
- Lonetree Chapter snowshoe Hike—February 21st. We’ll be hiking/snowshoeing from the Jensen Campground to Coal Mine Lake Campground, a distance of about 7 miles (see the featured trail section #2 on next page). We will meet at the ND Game & Fish Department office (1851 23rd Avenue NE) at 1pm for carpooling. If you need snowshoes, please contact Matthew Davis as we will have some extras for members and friends to use (if needed). The chapter will also provide a variety of snacks and warm beverages.
- Lonetree Chapter meeting—We’ll be meeting on Tuesday, March 9th at the Presentation Center (1136 Divine Ave) in Harvey beginning at 7pm and going until 8:30pm. Scott Peterson of NDG&F will introduce Lonetree WMA and Matt Davis will talk about the NCT at Lonetree, volunteer opportunities, and the Chapter. Please RSVP to Matt Davis if you plan on attending the meeting or if you have any questions or input.
2. Public informational meetings in west-central ND. The NCTA will also be co-hosting two informational meetings in conjunction with the ND Parks & Recreation Department targeting people in west-central North Dakota who may be interested in learning more about the North Country Trail and volunteer opportunities. As part of our efforts to revitalize volunteer effort in North Dakota, we will be exploring the establishment of a volunteer group in the Bismarck and/or Minot areas to help out on the NCT from Lonetree WMA west to Lake Sakakawea St. Park. This will be vital to improving existing trail segments and filling in the gaps where trail does not currently exist. Here is the scoop on the meetings…
- Minot: Wednesday, March 10th at Municipal Auditorium (420 3rd Avenue SW) from 7—8:30pm
- Bismarck: Thursday, March 11th at Sertoma Park Shelter (300 Riverside Park Road) from 7—8:30pm
The meetings will feature an introduction to the NCT, an overview of the NCT in North Dakota, and a spotlight on ND issues and volunteer opportunities. Please RSVP to Matt Davis if you plan on attending either of the meetings or contact him if you have any questions. Feel free to invite others and share this notice with others who you think may be interested.
Matt can be reached at (701) 388-1883 or via email at davis@northcountrytrail.org.
3. Featured trail segments – Learn more about the NCT at Lonetree, within the Sheyenne National Grassland, and at the Sheyenne State Forest.
4. Sheyenne River Valley Chapter’s Easement Acquisition Project & 2010 Event Schedule
- The SRV Chapter is currently embarking upon a project to acquire 25+ miles of easements from private landowners between the Sheyenne River State Forest and Lake Ashtabula using a contractor.
- Here is the SRV Chapter’s 2010 activity schedule:
- Saturday, May 15 — Karnak to Sibley Hike!
- Saturday, June 5 –National Trails Day @ Fort Ransom State Park w/ a Hike, Canoe trip, and campout.
- Thursday, August 5–Sunday, August 8. North Country Trail Annual Conference in Ashland, Wisconsin.
- Saturday, August 28 — 4th Annual North Country Hiking Fest @ Itasca State Park (MN)!
- Saturday, Sept 25-Sunday, Sept 26 — National Public Lands Day weekend hike & campout at the Lonetree Wildlife Management Area near Harvey, ND.
5. American Hiking Society & NCTA offering Volunteer Vacations on the NCT in North Dakota. For more info on this volunteer opportunity, visit AHS’ website.