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North Dakota Volunteer Vacation crew mows the NCT at Lonetree WMA
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This past week a small crew of AHS’ Volunteer Vacation participants, & NCTA volunteers Phillip Nimps & Brian Pavek, and NCTA staffer Matt Davis mowed the NCT within Lonetree Wildlife Management Area in central North Dakota. Interestingly, the two AHS volunteers came from California and Virginia. Thanks to the support of the ND Game & Fish staff, we were able to mow about 18-20 miles of the NCT. The maps below show where we mowed…

Here are some pictures from our week:
Thanks go to crew participants Richard Serth and Joel Sorum for making the long trek from Virginia & California (respectively), to Kevin Stankiewicz for coming up from Bismarck on Tuesday, and to Brian Pavek and Phillip Nimps for coming up from southern Minnesota. Our thanks also go to Scott, Skip, and Morgan from the ND Game & Fish Department for all their help with the planning, shuttling, and repairing the mower.
As the crew discovered, Lonetree WMA is a magical place with an interesting history. Hiking the NCT at Lonetree is a great way to experience the beauty of the prairie and to observe ND wildlife. More info is available by contacting the ND Game & Fish Department’s Lonetree office at (701) 324-2211.