A portion of the NCT in the Ott Biological Preserve in Calhoun County has been temporarily re-routed while the Calhoun County Trailway is constructed in the same corridor as the northern portion of the Trail. Please see the Chief Noonday Chapter page for more information: https://northcountrytrail.org/cnd/mash_ottpreserve.htm
Our Stories
2014 Trails Advocacy Week Summary
Executive Director Bruce Matthews has been in Washington DC this week, supporting Trails Advocacy Week with the Partnership for the National Trails System (PNTS): Here is his summary of the week as he wades through weather delays and cancellations trying to get back home: Trails Advocacy Week 2014 is history. We’ve met with federal agency […]
D.C. Blog 5: Tuesday’s Hill visits
Blog # 4: Report on Monday’s Hill visits Executive Director Bruce Matthews is participating in Trails Advocacy Week in Washington, DC. He is blogging his experience. Hill Visits: Tuesday I visited the offices of Rep. Dave Camp (MI-04), Rep. Bill Huizenga (MI-02), and Bill Owens (NY-21). Owens’ NY district includes the Adirondacks and will be […]