Executive Director Bruce Matthews is participating in Trails Advocacy Week in Washington, DC. He is blogging his experience. Hill Visits: Monday We have three main objectives as we visit Members of Congress this week: 1. Advocate their support for continued federal funding of the NCNST; 2. Advocate for the Land and Water Conservation Fund—including full […]
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D.C. Blog # 3: Advocating with Federal Agencies
Executive Director Bruce Matthews is in Washington DC for Trails Advocacy Week. He is blogging about his activities. One of the key elements of Trails Advocacy Week this week in Washington DC is meeting with the federal agency partners who respectively administer or have key roles with the management of national scenic and historic trails. […]
The Partnership: Trails Advocacy Week Blog # 2–by ED Bruce Matthews
Its my sense that the Red Plaid Nation isn’t that aware of how the NCTA and the North Country Trail relate to the larger National Trails System. Hike the Hill/Advocacy Week in Washington DC (where I’m at this week representing the NCTA) brings together representatives from the 11 National Scenic Trails and the 19 National […]