Our Stories


Hike the Hill 2012 Final: What we learned

By Bruce Matthews, NCTA Executive Director 9:00am Andrea Ketchmark, NCTA’s Director of Trail Development and I wrapped up our 2012 participation in Hike the Hill this week. See the previous Blogs and Facebook postings for the specifics. Here are some of our takeaways from this year–what we learned, what we might do about it. In […]

Hike the Hill: Day 4 Update

By Bruce Matthews, NCTA Executive Director 10:00am Wednesday featured another busy day of Hill visits and federal agency meetings for NCTA Director of Trail Development Andrea Ketchmark and myself. A beautiful day in DC–sunny, cloudless and low 50’s–as a contrast to our rugged red plaid north country winters…well, maybe less so this year! Anyway, visiting Members of Congress is […]

Hike the Hill: Day 3 update

By Bruce Matthews, NCTA Executive Director 7:00am Highlights of Tuesday’s Hike the Hill include meetings with the offices of 8 Congressmen representing districts through which the NCNST passes, a meeting with Vermont Senators Leahy and Sanders staff about the eastern terminus extension, and a meeting at Interior with Will Shafroth, who heads up the President’s America’s Great Outdoors program […]