Our Stories


2024 Volunteer Awards: Trail Builder

  The Trail Builder Award is presented to volunteers whose work in trail planning, landowner negotiations, layout and design, and/or construction, have resulted in the development of outstanding new North Country Trail or facilities. Pete Bock Pete has maintained a three-mile segment for the Brule-St. Croix Chapter for at least nine years, and helps maintain […]

Lisa Snook: NCNST Long Distance Hiker

Lisa Snook Minnesota + North Dakota (Previously received the central patch + Michigan, Wisconsin, Mackinac Bridge, 1000 Miles, and 2000 Miles.) As I reflect on the last year of hiking, I am so thankful for the opportunity to have experienced the wonderful remote sections of the NCT. My long-distance hiking buddy Barb Whittington and I […]

Richard Peterson: NCNST Long Distance Hiker

Richard Peterson Central patch + Wisconsin I did the Hike 100 Challenge in 2017, finishing in September if I remember correctly. My miles were not all unique then. I repeated several, as I really liked the Marengo Valley area. (Good trout stream also.) After completing that, I thought I would try to hike the Ice […]