Our Stories

2023 Volunteer Awards: Outreach

Categories: Volunteer Stories

Ruth Dorrough

Ruth has a long history of serving the NCTA and promoting the NCNST. In 2016, she and her husband Dan completed hiking the entirety of the NCNST, spreading word along the way about the Trail and its volunteers. She was an NCTA Board Member and served as Board President. For the past five years, she has chaired the New York State Volunteer Council’s Marketing and Promotion Committee, and has worked hard to create within it an atmosphere of collaboration and inclusion. Under her leadership, marketing efforts in New York have increased and improved substantially, becoming more strategic, efficient, and effective to draw more hikers and supporters to the NCNST. Ruth is indeed a volunteer whose efforts to build partnerships have contributed significantly to the ongoing success of the Trail.

Learn more about how the you can honor NCTA volunteers for their service on and for the North Country National Scenic Trail, and submit a nomination at northcountrytrail.org/volunteer-awards.