Our Stories
Spring 2010 Photography Contest

It’s here! The Spring 2010, PA North Country Trail Association Photography Contest has officially started, so it’s time to break out your camera and your hiking boots and get out on the trail! The contest is open to anyone from any state (NCTA member or not)— The twist is that all the photos in the contest must be taken on the section of the trail in Pennsylvania! (If you’re not from PA, come visit us for a weekend!) Below are all of the official contest details and rules:
Under 18:
Children Contest: Photos taken and entered by children age 3-12
Teen Contest: Photos taken and entered by teens age 13-17
Adult (age 18+) Contest Photo Categories:
Wildlife (from bugs and fish to bears and birds!)
People (families, kids, hikers, etc.)
Trail features (a broad category including: scenery/vistas, views of the trail, blazes, trees/plants, bodies of water, bridges, rock formations… anything you would consider a “trail feature!”)
First place in each of the above contest categories
Best in show and runner up*
*Note: These will be chosen first, and the category winners will be chosen from the remaining entries (e.g. the best in show photo will not also win the “trail features” category).
Fan favorite (chosen by votes on the NCTA facebook page)
1. All photos entered into the contest must be taken between 3/15/10 and 5/16/10 (*new deadline 6/13/10*).
2. Photos must be taken no more than 100 yards from the North Country Trail in Pennsylvania (preferably closer).
3. You must do all your own editing, and submit pictures in their final form.
Tip: Check out these websites for some pointers (here and here), and look for a future blog post with more tips to help you create a great image!
4. All photos must be submitted by the end of the day on 5/16/10 (*6/13/10*).
5. To submit a photo for the contest, email your photo to Julie at pacc@northcountrytrail.org with email subject: “2010 Photo Contest Entry”
6. Limit of 5 entries per photographer.
7. Each entry must include:
Name of photographer
Age of photographer (if you are over 18, you don’t have to list your age- just write “over 18”)
Date photo was taken
Place photo was taken (be as specific as possible, and include PA county)
Title of photograph
Category of photograph
8. The person entering the picture must be the person who took the photograph. You cannot submit a picture under your name that anyone else took. Likewise, you cannot submit your photograph under the name of anyone else.
Parents may submit their child’s photo, provided that the child was the original photographer. Parents may help with editing of the child’s photograph, so long as the child is present for and approves of the changes.
9. By entering a photo, you give your consent that the photograph can be used to promote the North Country Trail/NCTA (email me with any questions about this).
10. Entries that do not follow these guidelines (or are suspected of breaking contest rules) will not be included in the contest.
Look for a preview of the contest prizes sometime within the next week or two! If you or your organization would like to donate a prize for the 2010 photography contest, it would be greatly appreciated! Please contact me at pacc@northcountrytrail.org with details about what you’d be interested in donating. With eight awards, we will need several prizes (big or small)! Thank you!
And for the rest of you, get out on the trail and start taking pictures!