Our Stories

2023 Volunteer Awards: Sweep

Categories: Volunteer Stories


Nicole Halgrimson

Nicole is a dedicated and enthusiastic volunteer with the NCTA Kekekabic Trail Chapter and the Superior Hiking Trail Association (SHTA) in Minnesota. On the surface, she’s been a section and campsite adopter for more than a decade, but regularly serves as a thoughtful partner and supporter. She is active on the Kekekabic Trail Chapter board, leads communication efforts with trail members, and is a co-editor of the Kekekabic Trail guidebook. Nicole annually recruits for and leads a trail clearing crew, and is always seeking to introduce volunteers to the Trail and the Boundary Waters Canoe Wilderness Area. She has been instrumental in building and strengthening relationships between NCTA Chapters and Affiliates.

Michael Loscheider

Michael began volunteering with the Superior Hiking Trail Association (SHTA) in Minnesota around 2018, as a sawyer and section adopter. From the start, he showed great aptitude for trail work and leadership, and soon became one of the SHTA’s few Volunteer Crew Leaders. He is often the first to arrive at camp, setting up and welcoming his crews with good-natured cheer. Michael makes volunteers feel valued and appreciated. He is a role model with his work ethic, care for the Trail, and dedication, and coordinates wonderfully with NCTA Kekekabic Chapter volunteers. Many state that both the Trail and trail community are richer because of his involvement.

Ellie Williams

Ellie joined the NCTA Chequamegon Chapter in 2010, and has served as Secretary for over five years. She brings exceptional administrative skills to the position, keeping the Chapter well-organized. For example, she is the Collator of Volunteer Hours, and it is because of her the Chequamegon Chapter members are so successful in logging and reporting their hours. She and her husband Kevin also serve as Trail Adopters, maintaining a three-mile segment. Ellie is well-known for her blazing skills and regularly participates in workdays. She has hosted NCTA gatherings in her home, providing superb hospitality, and is quite active in outreach activities to promote the Trail and the Chapter.

Learn more about how the you can honor NCTA volunteers for their service on and for the North Country National Scenic Trail, and submit a nomination at northcountrytrail.org/volunteer-awards.