Our Stories

The 24 Hours of the Chip “mowathon” is successful!

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The Chip's NCT trail sign
The Chip's NCT trail sign

Volunteers spent the past weekend mowing significant stretches of the NCT within the Chippewa National Forest as part of the 24 Hours of the Chip event.   Approximately 35 miles were mowed on Saturday and Sunday.  Thanks go to the following individual volunteers:

STN Chapter: Ginny Ruppe, John Leinen, Jim Weiske, Ellen & Mike Heneghan, Joe Chovan, and Phillip Nimps

ITM Chapter: Bruce Johnson, Byron Knapp, and Carter Hedeen

ARW Chapter: Doug Baker, Gabe Doty, and Ken Zimmer

Chippewa National Forest trail adopters: Brian & Barb Pavek, Harlan Liljequist, Kit Arnquist, Darrell Rodekuhr, Harry Schlieff , Jerry Fitzgerald, Larry Best, Tom & Mary Moberg, & Tom Salwasser

Thanks also go to the Itasca Moraine Chapter (especially the regulars: Jerry Trout, Carter Hedeen, Bruce Johnson, and Darrel Rodekuhr) for mowing significant stretches of the NCT earlier in June in advance of their “thru hikes” and for the other Chip trail adopters (BSA Troop 73, Nancy Howard, Phoebe Alden, Doug Scott, Wayne Vest, Rick Stich, and Katie Blau) who helped mow their trail sections prior to the event.

In addition to our fantastic volunteers, the NCT exists because of the work of our great partners.  I would like to thank Dan Watson of the National Park Service and the Chippewa National Forest – Walker Ranger District staff (District Ranger Carolyn Upton, Mitch Bouchonville, Tom Schackman, Ray Burpo, Tasha Woodwick, Paul Nordeen, & Wade Sandstrom) for ALL of their help.

Here are maps showing what we were able to mow…

Image showing Saturday's mowing progress
Image showing Sunday's mowing progress
Image showing Saturday's mowing progress
Image showing Saturday's mowing progress

Here are some pics from the event…

Tailgate safety session
Tailgate safety session
Why mow? The NCT is already quite overgrown early this summer.
Why mow? The NCT is already quite overgrown early this summer.
Volunteer Harry Schlieff mowing his adopted trail segment.
Volunteer Harry Schlieff mowing his adopted trail segment.
Wade Sandstrom finishing up mowing near the MN-200 trailhead
Wade Sandstrom finishing up mowing near the MN-200 trailhead