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Trails Advocacy Week in D.C.: Blog 4–Monday’s Hill Visits

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On the toes of War....Cannon HOB
Executive Director Bruce Matthews is participating in Trails Advocacy Week in Washington, DC. He is blogging his experience.
Hill Visits: Monday
We have three main objectives as we visit Members of Congress this week:
1. Advocate their support for continued federal funding of the NCNST;
2. Advocate for the Land and Water Conservation Fund—including full funding at the Congressionally authorized level, and LWCF funding of the national trails system’s Collaborative Landscape Proposal (which includes NCNST projects), as well as direct funding of other projects affected the NCNST; and
3. Introduction of the NCNST Route Adjustment Bill of 2014, which includes BOTH the MN Arrowhead Re-route and the Eastern Terminus extension to connect with the Appalachian Trail in Vermont.
The Arrowhead re-route, approved by the NPS now ten years ago, has been at the center of our legislative efforts every year, with only spotty success and way too much disappointment. We’re hopeful that with this year’s NPS sign-off on the Vermont extension that we can generate enough multi-state and bi-partisan momentum to get a bill introduced in both the House and Senate, and get it passed.

The respective delegations are all Democrats (Minnesota Senators Klobuchar and Franken, MN-08 Representative Nolan, Vermont Senator Leahy and Rep. Welch) or Independents (Vt. Sen. Sanders). It will be critical to find some Republicans in the House and Senate willing to sign on.

Monday I met with Sen. Klobuchar’s office, and as usual they’re on board with introducing the bill. Sen. Klobuchar’s always been a great champion for us. Likewise, Rep. Nolan (MN-08) is ready to help. Once we get the Vermont delegation on board I’m confident we’ll have a bill. I meet with Vermont’s delegation Wednesday.

I also met with Rep. Peterson’s office (MN-07), another long-time champion of our trail agenda, and they’re on board.

I noted the importance of bi-partisan support, and we may have an opportunity with Rep. Benishek (MI-01). A Republican, Dr. Benishek’s district hosts more North Country Trail than any other congressional district through which we pass. In meeting with his legislative director yesterday, I sensed the possibility of his support. Rep. Benishek had broken ranks with some of his colleagues in the past, most recently to sign a Dear Colleague letter advocating for the Land and Water Conservation Fund. As things develop we may need our NCTA friend in MI-01 (U.P and upper lower peninsula) to make their voices heard as Rep. Benishek’s constituents.

All in all a good start for our Hill visits. More soon….