Our Stories
Winners of the 2009 PA Photography Contest
You voted, and now, the results are in! After tallying up the 371 votes, we have a winner for the 2009 PA Photography Contest! Congratulations to John Stehle, whose winning “Circle of Life” picture received 28 “like” votes on the North Country Trail Association facebook page!

John is Vice President of the NCTA Butler Chapter and President of the Butler Outdoor Club, which is a close partner and supporter of the NCT. Here’s what John had to say about his picture:
“This picture was taken along the Hells Hollow section of the NCT, in McConnells Mill State Park on Sept 13, 2009 in the area of Walnut Flats. This area is particularly rich old growth forest in the Slippery Rock Creek Gorge. People love this trail because of the deep forest feel you get, especially along the Slippery Rock Creek.”
John was hiking that day with friend Tom Baumgardner. The two did not travel as far in distance as they intended that day, and John cites the scenic beauty of the trail as the reason for their more relaxed pace.
“One of the nice things about taking pictures along the trail is that you get the opportunity to stop and smell the roses. Especially with a nature shot, you can study and savor the subject.”

Runner-up was Brett Watson’s macro photo of a Common Wood Sorrel. He said of his photo:
“I love going outdoors and taking pictures, and I like looking for and photographing wildflowers. That flower was my first sighting of Common Wood Sorrel of the year!”
I asked Brett his opinion of what the North Country Trail offers to photographers, and he surmised:
“I think that it provides a way for them to get to new places and new experiences, and it allows them easy access into the outdoors where they can find new subjects to photograph.”

Earning third place in the competition, Tammy Veloski’s simple picture of her four-year-old son, Dale, running along the trail, captures the hopes and aspirations of many NCTA members and volunteers: Get more young people outdoors and on the trail! Tammy’s comments share the same sentiment:
“I think we need to get kids and young people (including teenagers) more interested and involved. The question is how to get them interested in enjoying the outdoors.”
“The idea that this was a winning picture was rather surprising to me. I don’t know much about taking a good picture and the camera is an inexpensive Panasonic pocket sized camera. There were so many other really nice pictures submitted in the contest. I’m glad people liked it. It has been great fun looking at all the submissions, especially since it is along a trail that we all know and love so much.”

Love the idea of an NCT photography contest? Think you could win? Good news! COMING THIS SPRING: We’ll be hosting an even bigger photography contest! Open to everyone! New rules, new prizes, NEW YEAR! Get out and practice this winter, and stay tuned to the NCTA Blog and facebook page for information about the 2010 Contest!