Our Stories

2024 Volunteer Awards: Outreach

Categories: Volunteer Stories


The Outreach Award is presented to a volunteer whose efforts to build coalitions, partnerships, or other forms of local support over a 3-year period or more have contributed significantly to the ongoing success of the trail.

Lisa Bertolasio

Lisa serves on the Wampum Chapter’s Hiking Committee and Landowner Relations Committee; is the Trail Adopter Coordinator; and the Corresponding Secretary. She gives presentations, tables events, and helps prioritize trail projects. She is the go-to volunteer when the need arises for fresh and creative ideas. Lisa has organized three ladies’ hikes in the past year and connected with several establishments in trail towns to host the events. She created a new Chapter hike challenge this year, specifically geared toward drawing volunteers to trail maintenance events and growing membership. It was her idea to send landowners “thank you” notes when Chapter hikes utilized their land. She also sends sympathy and “get well soon” notes to members. Lisa embodies the spirit of the North Country Trail with a positive attitude, empathy, and dedication.

Rennae Gruchalla

Rennae is the Dakota Prairie Chapter Vice President and Hiking/Outreach Coordinator, and organizes a wide variety of events each year to promote the trail. She enlists volunteers to lead monthly hikes and leads many herself, and often provides creative options such as the Hike Your Own Hike event, Hike Every Mile, and the North Dakota Challenge. She kickstarted the Three Chapter Celebration: a three-day event focused on hiking different sections of the North Country Trail in North Dakota. That event is now in its third year. She coordinated publicity for the Hike Every Mile event, resulting in widespread radio, television, and newspaper coverage. Rennae has great vision for the big picture, but also ensures each individual is addressed at Chapter hikes. She has an outgoing personality, is partnership driven, and is a major player in the growth of the Dakota Prairie Chapter.

Felicia Hokenstad

Felicia was the NCTA’s Next Generation Coalition intern for several years. She created materials that were the building blocks of the program, built a social media presence for it, and planned and led an in-person summit. She has served in leadership roles with both the Marquette Area Chapter in Michigan and the Border Route Trail Association in Minnesota, and is currently involved in the national DEI and Advocacy committees. She attended the annual Hike the Hill event in Washington DC in 2023. While on her Chapter board, she took an emotional risk in challenging others who were unknowingly discounting the value of input from younger people. In doing so, she helped the board take a big step in paying attention to DEI efforts. Felicia is a powerful voice for the Next Gen community and the National Trails System as a whole.

Learn more about how the you can honor NCTA volunteers for their service on and for the North Country National Scenic Trail, and submit a nomination at northcountrytrail.org/volunteer-awards.