Our Stories

2024 Volunteer Awards: Sweep

Categories: Volunteer Stories


The Sweep award is presented to volunteers for tireless work and achievements behind the scenes on behalf of the trail or the NCTA.

Tim Bauer

Tim is a dedicated outdoorsman who hikes and rides a bike year-round in all types of weather (even North Dakota and Minnesota winters). Nearly a decade ago, one of his first volunteer jobs was working on a two-mile segment that was notoriously difficult to mow. This work eventually blossomed into Tim caring for a major segment of the 31 miles through the Sheyenne National Grassland. He mows it several times each summer, and recruits and manages additional volunteers. He participates in or manages a variety of other projects too, including stocking water caches, updating signage, and trail protection efforts. He is a leader not only for the Dakota Prairie Chapter, but the trail community statewide.

Nancy Kreft

Nancy’s organizational skills shine brightly in her roles as both Treasurer and Trail Crew Coordinator for the Marquette Area Chapter. She plans and maintains the budget, manages schedules, oversees communications, and reports volunteer hours. She invested countless hours updating the Chapter’s online guides for its 30+ trail segments, complete with water sources, camping opportunities, and points of interest. She went the extra mile (literally) by traveling back roads to track the route with GPS, helping hikers navigate to remote trailheads. As if that isn’t enough, Nancy is a trail adopter and joins trail crew expeditions. She helps plan monthly outreach hikes, as well as guiding the “Softies” each spring and fall, helping the group achieve their goal of completing their trek across Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Her behind-the-scenes work is significantly enhancing the enjoyment, protection, and promotion of the trail.

Will Nordmark

Several years ago, the Superior Hiking Trail Association (SHTA) proposed a new program: Trail Stewardship Teams. Will, who was already a campsite adopter, offered to be one of the first team leaders. Twice a year since then, he has recruited, organized, and led a group of up to 20 people to maintain 13 miles of trail and three campsites. Two years ago, he also volunteered to be Camp Cook, preparing meals for dozens of volunteers during multi-day projects. His cheerful presence makes others feel welcomed and appreciated for their service. Regardless of the hat he’s wearing, Will builds community by bringing folks together and reminding them of their importance. He uses his volunteer efforts to support theirs.

Learn more about how the you can honor NCTA volunteers for their service on and for the North Country National Scenic Trail, and submit a nomination at northcountrytrail.org/volunteer-awards.