James Deich Wisconsin Wisconsin Having completed the Ice Age Trail in December 2021, I was looking for a new adventure and decided to hike the Wisconsin section of the North Country National Scenic Trail in 2022. I selected the trail partly due to its proximity to my home in Eau Claire, Wisconsin and to […]
Our Stories
Category: Hiking Stories
Wegener Family: NCNST Long Distance Hiker
Wegener Family Michigan Wisconsin + Mackinac Bridge It’s really exciting that we have finally completed the state of Wisconsin. Every year, our two daughters Kerry and Amanda take one week off work to hike the North Country Trail with us. We completed the state of Michigan years ago and have been working on both […]
Andrew Turner: NCNST Long Distance Hiker
Andrew Turner Bellaire, Mich. Central patch + Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Mackinac Bridge, 1000 Miles, 2000 miles, and 3000 miles This is how I spend my vacation time, chipping off unique miles with the goal of full completion in the distant future. Maybe it has become an obsession at this point, but what an […]