Our Stories

How to Get the Best Feeling in the World

Why do you volunteer on the North Country Trail or one of our Affiliate Partners (Buckeye Trail, Superior Hiking Trail, Finger Lakes Trail)? We want to hear your story; please share it here. Help us inspire others to join this amazing community of volunteers. Your story might be the one that inspires someone else to […]

An Unexpected Adventure: Couple hikes entire North Country Trail

In one month, Dan and Ruth Dorrough will complete their end-to-end section hike of the North Country Trail. It’s an incredible journey that spans 17 years, 7 states, and over 4,600 miles. The Dorroughs will complete their hike while at the NCTA’s Celebration in Fargo on Saturday, September 17. The Dorroughs will make a special presentation Saturday evening, […]

7 States, 100 Miles: A Hike 100 Challenge Story

7 states, 25 hikes, 100 unique miles, a 2,300 mile road trip, and plenty of iconic places. Enjoy this story from a recent Hike 100 Challenge finisher! Guest post by Ken, a Hike 100 Finisher In the last year I have been trying to improve my life physically after a pair of back surgeries. Honestly, […]