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Clark Hill State Forest: Project Spotlight
In the summer of 2021, proposed NCT route scouting and flagging began in Clark Hill State Forest in central New York State.
Stephanie Campbell, NCTA Regional Trail Coordinator for New York and Vermont, and Steve Kinne, NCTA Central New York Chapter volunteer, walked the proposed Trail route through Clark Hill State Forest from Latteiman Road to Stringer Brook, and then communicated with Scott Healy, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Supervising Forester, at the Herkimer office. Scott subsequently gave the go-ahead to flag the proposed Trail on the south and north side of Stringer Brook in anticipation of a hike-through at the end of August.

Steve has further scouted and flagged the proposed route from Dole Road to Latteiman Road on the southern end, and from Buck Hill Road N. into Pixley Falls State Park on the northern end. Steve is also working with the staff at Pixley Falls State Park to resume discussions on extending the proposed Trail from Clark Hill State Forest down to join their Red Trail, which will need scouting and flagging.
The NCTA Central New York Chapter is now in need of volunteers – particularly from the Rome and Boonville areas – to work on constructing the new Trail. If you’re interested in these efforts, please submit a Volunteer Interest Form today or email the Chapter directly with questions: cny@northcountrytrail.org.