Our Stories


News for Chapter, Affiliate and Partner Leaders

It’s been a busy summer. Here are some items that have been topics of discussion lately so I thought I’d share with everyone. Let me know if you have questions, comments or thoughts on additional topics you’d like to see me cover in the future. This monthly email is not only meant to share ideas […]

Thru Hiker Oversight?

The recent increase in making end-to-end thru hikes of the North Country National Scenic Trail, including accomplishing it in one season, has led to a number of questions having to do with NCTA’s oversight of such hikes and claims for their accomplishment. While NCTA welcomes and encourages such attempts, the Association neither assumes nor desires […]

Celebrate National Trails Day on the NCT!

Question: What national “holiday” is celebrated this Saturday (June 7th)? Answer: National Trails Day®. According to the American Hiking Society, the 22nd annual National Trails Day® will be “the country’s largest celebration of trails” which will “bring together outdoor enthusiasts across the country.”  It is a “celebration of America’s magnificent trail system and its countless supporters and volunteers. More than […]