By January 31, 2021, Ted had 100.25 miles and Joan had 131.5. The following story is about the “Lost Boy’s Tree,” provided by the Ted and Joan Ludtke of White Cloud, Michigan. The evening of May 13th called out for a short, last minute, out-and-back hike on the North Country Trail off of […]
Our Stories
Tag: Michigan
Bob Courtois: Hike 100 Finisher
“About half the miles were on snowshoes.” Bob Courtois was the first to let us know he completed the 2021 Hike 100 Challenge. Alongside being an NCT enthusiast, he’s the volunteer Monthly Hike Coordinator for the NCTA Jordan Valley 45° Chapter and a member of the Hiawatha Shore-to-Shore Chapter. “[I] completed by hiking in […]
Brian Hager, Beth Keloneva, and Shari Sanderson: Volunteer Spotlight
2020 Leadership Awards Brian Hager. The Wampum Chapter has benefitted from Brian’s apparently limitless ambitions. He created a podcast about the NCT and his Chapter, has rustled up local grants to benefit Wampum Trail projects, and organized a 5K race in Darlington, PA, which was so successful that he’s going to add two more in […]