Our Stories

2024 Volunteer Awards: Distinguished Service

Categories: Volunteer Stories


The Distinguished Service Award is presented in recognition of eight years or more of exceptional volunteer service in furthering the goals of the NCTA, and outstanding contributions toward the dream of the North Country Trail.

Mel Baughman

Mel thrives on volunteerism. His service extends beyond a decade with the North Country Trail to a search-and-rescue team, supervising conservation corps crews, and teaching trail building as far as Costa Rica and Puerto Rico. As a University of Minnesota professor emeritus, he has even written scholarly papers on recreational trail construction and maintenance. Mel is hardworking and reliable, attending nearly every Chequamegon Chapter workday. Through education, he ensures their work meets the highest standards. He has taught volunteers proper tool and saw use; adopted a wilderness segment that can only be maintained using hand tools; was instrumental in multiple reroute efforts; and currently serves on the national Board of Directors. If you can’t find Mel in the Chequamegon National Forest or at a board meeting, he’s likely with the Wisconsin Roving Trail Crew, with which he has accrued over 850 volunteer hours.

Bill Dryborough

Whether the need is hanging one sign or flagging several miles of new trail, Bill has always been the person you could call to ask for help. And he would always say yes. Bill helped scout, flag, and GPS much of the Superior Hiking Trail in the Duluth area. He also scouted a significant reroute near Gooseberry Falls State Park – a former staff member recalls that he was the best all-around volunteer on that project. Bill also served on the Superior Hiking Trail Association board for five years, led hikes for over a decade, and has widely promoted the trail. He continues to help with events and transport gear for Hike Fest. His love for the trail and community has shone brightly through all he’s done, and the Superior Hiking Trail would not be what it is today without his steady presence.

John Kohlstedt

John served on the Superior Hiking Trail Association’s Board of Directors for a total of 13 years, bringing a much-needed voice of volunteerism to the board. During his tenure, there was a tremendous amount of new trail construction and bridge building. John has been a dedicated section adopter since 1989, and as a more recent member of the Trail Committee, has provided much guidance. His meticulous attention to his section was an early inspiration for what other volunteers could do. John also led many guided hikes, particularly in winter. One notable snowshoe hike had participants sinking up to their thighs in the snow, but still loving it! His enthusiasm and welcoming spirit are as important a gift to the trail community as his expertise and dedication have been during his decades of service.

Duane Lawton

Duane has been a member of the Jordan Valley 45° Chapter since 2008 and served as its President for multiple years. He is currently on the national Board of Directors and serves on the Chapter Leadership Team, ensuring all trail projects are well-planned with drawings, material lists, and volunteers. Duane often uses his personal vehicle and shop to gather supplies and manufacture trail signs or structures, to which he brings a lifetime of building and engineering experience. He often hosts events and visitors at his home and attends many group hikes, contributing fun and friendliness. He also volunteers in other North Country Trail states and on the Florida Trail. His experience extends beyond building and maintenance, too: Duane has hiked the entirety of Michigan’s North Country Trail.

Carol Wright

Is there anything Carol hasn’t done for the Wampum Chapter? From serving as Secretary to chairing committees to her impressive outreach and fundraising efforts, Carol keeps things organized, accurate, on schedule, and moving forward. She oversees her Chapter’s involvement in nearly 20 community events each year, organizing transportation, outreach materials, and more. Carol stewards volunteers, members, and trail users wonderfully by establishing personal connections via phone, email, mail, and in person. She even ensures new members are seated near long-time volunteers at Chapter meetings so everyone feels included. Her kindness, attention to detail, and true understanding of what community means are among the top reasons why Carol shines. Western Pennsylvania is brighter thanks to her welcoming smile and positive energy.

Learn more about how the you can honor NCTA volunteers for their service on and for the North Country National Scenic Trail, and submit a nomination at northcountrytrail.org/volunteer-awards.